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The group trekked along the mountain path, thankfully not encountering any other obstacles so far as they moved.

"Feel better?" Jungkook asked Lisa who was starting to look a lot more normal and healthy now.

"Yeah, if it weren't for Jennie unnie, I probably would have passed out or something from the cold for a lot longer" she said as he smiled.

"Sometimes I envy you" he told her truthfully as he stepped further following the path behind Namjoon.

"Hm? For what? If anything I should envy you" she chuckled as she matched her steps with his, walking in the same pace.

"No no, I'm envious of your relationship with Jennie Noona, she takes care of you really well. You guys seem really close, and always rely on each other. It seems nice to have someone who'll be with you through everything" he said confessing about his jealousy.

"Please, you have a whole group. Jennie unnie may be more vocal expressing her care for me, but that's because she doesn't care about what others think about our friendship. We've only had each other all these years, it makes sense for us to care about our friendship more than anything. But you? You have your parents and family, along with 6 other amazing friends. They show their care in other ways, but it's not any less. If anything, I should be jealous of you having so many people to care for you" she said as she nudged him a little towards the end, while he only smiled.

"I guess you're right. They're always there, even when I don't notice their presence sometimes" he said as he brushed a hand through his hair, taking the slight bangs out of his eyes.

"Aish I can't take this flirting any more. Just date already, it's not as if you can be any later, we're nearer to death than ever before" Jimin muttered as he pushed them out the way and walked forward, not wanting to be stuck behind their romantic gazes towards each other.

Saying those words however, resulted in two very flustered teenagers right behind as they began stumbling for words.

"Hey Rosé" Jimin said escaping as he came near Rosé, who was waking by herself looking around.

"Hey chim" she greeted with the Nick name she always called him by.

"You seem a little lonely there, what are you even doing" He asked her curiously as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't honestly know. I'm just trying to find out whatever I can about this place. So far the forest seems normal enough, other than the soil being a lot more purple looking for some reason. I don't think I can trust the food here" she said chuckling.

"I will. We're at life an death either way, and food is needed to survive. It's still an ecosystem and should have some type of food. Why bother trying to go home if you won't take risks when it comes to that, you know?" He suggested as they walked together.

Jimin had his hands in his jean pockets as he walked, being careful with his steps as he stalked up the tilted part of the jungle.

"Guys shouldn't we actually try and find a path? Like a compass or something?" Namjoon suggested as they all paused and starred at him.

"Joon I don't think we can do that" Hobi said.

"Why? I mean we are only walking straight, we need to have some sort of plan, for our sakes, otherwise we'll just get lost in this place because we won't know our way around" he told them as Jin put a hand on his shoulder.

"We literally are already lost. I have no idea what this realm is or how to get out of here. And secondly, we have no Sun, look above. It's just red sky, no actual light" Jisoo pointed as the whole group looked upwards.

"Yeah, plus, walking straight will eventually get us to an end of the forest. Forests don't usually go on forever, but this is a new realm so we should be careful. But our best bet is to not wander off and stay together." Jennie pointed out their actual plan.

"Yes no splitting at all, we don't know what's here" Jin diligently told the rest of the group who nodded at his authoritative order.

"But I'm tired!" Hobi whined as he sat down and began massaging his legs.

"Yeah can't we take a break or something?" Taehyung suggested as Jisoo sighed at their failed perseverance .

"Look guys, I'm pretty sure it will be night fall soon, at least based on how the sky keeps turning darker shades. We can try and get some shut eye then, but for now? Let's use the light and move as much as possible" she told them as they nodded, and got up ready to move again.

Yoongi had already seemed to become more keen at the idea of the reward of sleep after such a tiring day.

Using sleep as the end product seems a lot more effective than you would have thought, as basically everyone in the group was looking forward to the idea of rest, especially after the long day they've had so far.

They didn't even know how much time had passed by so far, seeing as their phones refused to work and the few that actually had worn their watches, had resulted in the time identifier going hay wire, malfunctioning left and right.

Choosing to ditch the idea of even attempting to fix it, seeing as they were no experts, they chose to forget it and move on, which was a quicker and apparently more effective option as well.

"Hey guys! What's that?" Taehyung asked pointing towards a certain sight towards their right, as the others had turned to look at it not too soon later.

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