Chapter Five

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Time skip, Early Morning of the day of the UA entrance exams

"Why am I taking this? I thought I was already in UA?" I finished the last few months of school while staying with Aizawa and Hizashi, despite this we weren't very close. But I was used to it at this point. I never really got along with any of my foster parents.

Aizawa looked in his rear-view mirror at me. "We enrolled you because we saw potential, but we still don't know how good you are at using your quirk yet." I sighed. "How obnoxious."

What bothered me even more was the fact that I couldn't go out at all during the past few months. I went to school for the day and stayed at the apartment at night. "I mean if they didn't do that, I would have tried to go out at night again, but still it was annoying."

We pulled up to UA. "Alright, make sure you do your best despite not wanting to do this." I sighed. "I know" I got out the car and went to UA's auditorium. I walked in and I was already nauseous from all the pointless hope in this room. "They do know how low UA's acceptance rate is, right?"

I walked up to my seat and sat down, and much to my despair I was sitting next to no other then Katsuki Bakugo. "It makes sense, since we went to the same school. But still, it's too early for me to deal with him."

He looked over at me and scoffed and looked away. "Good morning to you too." I glared at him, but he ignored me. After a few minutes Hizashi walked in and explained the rules. There was a boy who was about to stand up and ask a question, but I used my telekinesis to shut him and sit him down.

Hizashi saw what I did, and gave me a disapproving stare. I just shrugged at him. After what felt like a long ten minutes, the explanation was over and we went outside to the mock city. As soon as we left the auditorium Bakugo ran as far away as he possibly could from me. Which was a relief, because I thought I was going to have to slow him down to save robots for myself. I hate to admit, but if this is all the test is then he'll pass for sure.

"It really is amazing how unfair this test is. How are non-combatant type quirks supposed to shine in a test like this?" I sighed and shook my head. "Just shows how unfair the hero world truly is."

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sudden "GOOOOOOOO!" I scoffed. "How come heroes are so good at being so damn annoying!?" I activated my quirk and stared flying, my coat flapping in the wind. That day I wore black ripped jeans with a fabric belt, a black t-shirt, with a long grey coat with black buttons. "Sometimes it really sucks being cold all the time." I got awe stricken stares as I flew destroying robot after robot by a flick of my wrist. After about eighty points I sat on the top of a roof and deactivated my quirk. So, I could start recovering.

But as soon as I sat down on the ledge of the roof, I heard a scream and saw a girl stuck in front of the zero point robot. "That thing is massive. Just... how expensive was that robot? Didn't they think that that money would be better suited elsewhere?! There are people starving out on the street and they just decided to spend all their money on a giant robot? Yeah, sounds like heroes." I scoffed and looked at the girl.

"There is no way that the heroes would actually let her die, but she probably isn't thinking that right now." I sighed and got up and flew towards her. When I got near her, I picked her up with my telekinesis and flew her to a near-by roof. Once I knew she was safe I decided I would take down this robot, just to show Aizawa how well I can use my quirk.

I flew down the street away from the robot to give me some space and took off a story of a building next to me and compressed it to look like an arrow. My arms started shaking from pain that was shooting up my back. "And to think just a few months ago I could only lift a few hundred pounds"

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