Chapter Twenty-Three; The Sports Festival Pt 3

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Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

We walked to the break room while they were announcing the fifteen-minute break between events to "give us a breather." I mean there wasn't much of a need for that. We are all unharmed, except for our bruised egos.

"Damn you icyhot, you told me we would win this!" I looked at Bakugo and just sighed. I was deciding whether or not it was worth my breath to argue with him.

"I thought we were going to, Midoriya was more than what I anticipated." Momo decided it was worth the fight.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY YOU WERE WRONG, IDIOT." Momo hung her head low.

"Yeah, I was wrong, but I won't be again." Then she walked off.

Bakugo turned to start fighting with me but I blew him off and walked the other direction. He was still screaming when I walked into the tunnel to the festival outside. And to my surprise, there was my dear old dad.

"Shoto, we need to talk." He was giving me the same old deeming glare he's been giving me my entire life.

"He isn't worth my time, either." I walked past without saying a word. Instead, I focused on how I was going to beat not only Midoriya now, but Bakugo as well. He sure as hell wasn't going to work with me, especially not after that last round. A firm grasp on my shoulder snapped me out of it.

"Shoto, you have to use my quirk to beat that kid." My eyes widened, and I turned around to give him my attention.

"You don't think I didn't notice that kid with the telekinesis quirk? He's dangerous. You won't be able to beat him without using the full power that I gave you." I gritted my teeth.

"First off I don't need your quirk. My ice and I are more than capable of beating him." He forced a laugh.

"We both know that is a lie. He was holding back, right? When you've been in the hero business as long as I have you can tell when someone is playing a game against his opponent."

I bit my lip. Of course, he was right, that wasn't Midoriya's full potential. Not even close. He wants something, but what? It was and is driving me insane.

"Your lack of a response just proves I'm right." He grabbed my arm. "For once in your Goddamn life do what I tell you to Shoto. I don't know what it is about that kid but he gives me a bad feeling."

My heart started racing when he said that. The last time he got a bad feeling, Toya was found dead.

"I don't care if you have a bad feeling, I'm not using your quirk." I spat at him, and he looked increasingly angry but I shook off his arm and quickly walked away.

But an anxious feeling swelled in my stomach. I tried to push it down but it just kept coming back.

"Why? Why does he have to come in here and ruin everything for me. He didn't have to tell me about his "anxious" feeling."

Soon after we were all called back to the arena to start the next round, but that anxious feeling never went away.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V.

We walked into the break room, and the other two were celebrating. This was probably a big deal to them, proving that a general studies student and someone from 1-B can, in fact, make it to the final event.

"I can't believe we actually made it! Everyone thought it was just going to be 1-A that made it." Shinso was glowing, a strange sight if I'm being honest.

"Speak for yourself, I knew I was going to make it all along. Class 1-B is far superior." Then he did his weird pose thing he does when he gets overzealous.

Shinso was annoyed and about to say something but my snickering interrupted them.

"And what the hell do you find so funny?" Shinso's voice dripped with toxin.

"Why are you celebrating? Mark my words at least one of you will be out by the first round."

"And how the hell would you know that?" Now Monama was getting irritated too.

I sighed and explained what I meant to both of them.

"If I had to guess, this is how the next round will go down. It will be Yaoyorozu and I. Todoroki and Bakugo. And you two are going against each other. I mean think about it. If they eliminate one of you off the bat then there would be the end of one of the wonder boys who beat all odds to get here, which will draw more attention to the hero students of 1-A. We are the main attraction after that villain fight. Then they know Todoroki and Bakugo are two of the best fighters so they pinned Yaoyorozu on me so they can just get her out of the way because they know I will be the victor today. But they want it to be the best fight possible, so that's why Bakugo and Todoroki will go against each other. But they will claim it was random."

They both looked annoyed about how right I was. They couldn't argue, it made too much sense.

"Ok then smart guy, what do you think they will do with the extra person." They said together, in unison. They really have gotten good at that.

"If I had to guess they will probably do a coin toss to decide whether I go against one of you two or if the victor from the Bakugo and Todoroki match will go against one of you." I smirked as they simmered. But of course, I was lying.

They both will end up being eliminated in the first round.

Shota Aizawa P.O.V.

Hizashi called the students back to the arena where Midnight explained that they would reveal who was going against who as the rounds went along. The first round will be Shinso and Monama.

Of course, Nezu claims it was random but we all know better than that. He's a clever rodent and he never leaves things to chance.

Both of them faced each other on the long strip of concrete. Then Hizashi started the count down as he reached zero, they ran towards each other.

"This won't be a battle of quirks. Monama knows how his quirk works so he won't fall for it, but his quirk will do nothing against Shinso. It'll be a fist fight."

Of course, I was right. It was silent as their fists made contact with each other. Monama laned a solid hit on Shinso's face and Shinso spit out some blood. He came back with a jab to Monama's stomach who then kneeled over with his breath was knocked out of him.

This continued for ten minutes before they both collapsed from their injuries. It was the most anticlimactic fight I have ever watched. The crowd was silent the entire time. I pity those two boys; they must be humiliated.

I just hope that this was enough for Shisno to take Mineata's place in 1-A.

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

I walked out to the stadium after the last two were carried out.

"I got second hand embarrassment from that fight." I could feel my face beat red just thinking about it.

Next was Bakugo and I. To be honest I was relieved at first, but then I thought about Momo fighting Midoriya. I was horrified. What is he going to do to her?

"Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up." And I almost did, between that and what my dad said earlier, I had no reason not to. Everything was falling apart.

Bakugo and I got onto the concrete slab and before I knew it the countdown started. He instantly came at me screaming at the top of his lungs.  I met him half way and I avoided his attack, or so I thought. As he flew by me, he launched another explosion and flew back and landed a kick on my back.

I gasped in pain but I flipped around in time to catch his arm and freeze it. He blasted back and winced in pain. We stared at each other for a quick second before I launched a large-scale attack at him and he blew it to bits as he started running towards me. But before he could touch me, I launched myself up with my ice and flipped behind him and kicked him in the head.

He stumbled and when he turned around, I landed a punch to his nose, but he grabbed my arm and exploded it. I let out a yelp and kicked his shoulder. I dislocated it and flew back again.

Luckily it was a small explosion, but if he wanted to, he could have blown my arm off.

But before I could catch my breath, he relocated his shoulder. That caused the entire crowd to wince and then he came flying at me again. This time he came from the sky and landed a solid kick on my arm, but I froze his foot to my arm. That caused him to lose his bearings and as he broke free, I spin kicked him in the face, leaving some ice on it.

After that I covered my first in ice and gut punched him in the stomach, causing him to get the wind knocked out of him and hunch over. But it was only for a second because he came right back at me and gut punched me with an explosion. Blood spewed from my mouth.

We both collapsed to our knees and looked up at each other, our eyes locked. I saw blood leaking out of his mouth.

"I must've hit him harder than I thought."

He got up and started running at me, but when I went to get up, I found I had no strength in my legs. I looked up and I saw nothing less than a wild injured animal coming right for my throat.

But do you know what all wild animals have in common? They forget to think about what they are doing.

As he approached me, he went in for a punch to the face with an explosion, but right before he could reach me, I shot out spiky ice right in front of me. He impaled himself twice in the stomach and twice in both of his arms. He even had a small scratch that ran below his eye that started to bleed.

The crowd was roaring as he pulled himself off of the ice. He looked at me with pure rage and started charging again. But he collapsed from blood loss before he could reach me.

"SHOTO TODOROKI WINS!!" Present Mic's voice boomed over the stadium

I could hardly believe it.

I won.

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V.

It was a few minutes before my round with Yaoyorozu, they had to clear off the ice and pour new concrete so that we don't have to worry about the blood. But soon I stood face to face with Yaoyorozu.

And soon after that the countdown began.

"3....2....1.... GO!!"

But neither one of us ran towards the other, instead we stood there in the deadly silent stadium looking at each other.

"Before we start fighting, and when I say fighting, I mean you crushing me, will you answer a question of mine?" Yaoyorozu had already accepted she was going to lose, which was a good move on her part. Saves her some unnecessary pain.

"Sure, why not?"

"Why did you hold back for the first two rounds?"

I held a number one on my finger. "For the first round it was because I know Midnight is known to be the hero of impulsive decisions, if I were to be first, I would be at a disadvantage."

Then I held up two. "For the second round I wanted to ensure Todoroki and Bakugo make it to the final event, because no matter who I was going to fight in the final round of this event, it was going to be interesting."

"How did you know what was going to happen during the festival?"

"Are you telling me you didn't know?" She shook her head.

"I did, let me rephrase my question, how did you know first place would be at a disadvantage in the second round and not the third. Also, how did you know that Nezu wouldn't step in and stop her from doing so?"

"Yaoyorozu, you're a smart person, but you must learn to read people. That's how I got as far as I have. Nezu is someone above even human intelligence, but he is also mildly sadistic and enjoys playing with people. So, my question would be why would he stop her?"

She gestured to the crowd. "I supposed we should finish this before they get too impatient." I expected her to leave the platform and give up, but much to my surprise she pulled a gun out of her chest and fired it at me. I lifted my hand and froze her and the bullet.

I couldn't help but to start laughing. "See! Even I can be taken by surprise. First by Todoroki and now by you. I thought you would just give up, but this is a pleasant surprise indeed."

I released my quirk and she and the bullet fell to the ground, but before she got the chance to do anything else I threw her out of the platform with my telekinesis and she hit the wall hard and it knocked her out.


I snickered as I walked back to my side of the concrete, and that's where I stood until Todoroki came to his side.

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

As I walked up on the concrete, Midoriya was clapping.

"I feel as though I should congratulate you, I never thought you would beat Bakugo."

I gritted my teeth. "He made that deal with me thinking I wouldn't even make it to the last round?!?" He could see that I was irritated.

"Now, now Todoroki. When I made that deal with you, I hadn't yet figured out what was going to happen here. I didn't care until that point. No matter what I was going to win, I was unconcerned. But I wanted you to have the best shot so I helped you out in the second round. Hope you don't mind." He smiled at me, a devilish smile. It made me uneasy.

"3....2....1.... GO!!"

Midoriya snickered as he flicked his wrist and I went flying. I had to eject a huge thick wall of ice to keep me from flying out.

"Thank God Recovery Girl helped me out before this." She even gave me an energy drink to help with my fatigue, but she told us to keep it our little secret since it was particularly healthy for me.

I got back onto my feet and Midoriya was just standing there, like he didn't just almost end the match in two seconds. I got increasingly angry and I shot out a huge amount of ice and, for a second, everything was silent. The ringing in my ears, the crowd, and even Present Mic went silent. For a split second I even thought I had won. But soon that hope was shattered as the arena shook and my ice fell apart.

A large tentacle-like structure had smashed the ice that was the size of half the stadium. That was my strongest large-scale attack and he broke through it like it was nothing. Then the tentacle-like structure came at me and scratched the side of my arm as I dodged. I tried to freeze it but it broke free immediately.

It shot at me again and I launched myself with my ice and the tentacle struck the ground, shattering it like glass. It stopped moving after that, I landed and turned my attention to Midoriya but I was quickly hit in the back and was sent flying towards him. The tentacle was back up.

I stopped myself and blasted in the other direction back towards the tentacle. I know that far range attacks won't do a thing against him so I have to freeze him up close. But in order to do that I have to make sure I can't be hit from behind.

I ran back towards the tentacle, who struck at me. I jumped up and landed on it, freezing it. Then I covered my arm with ice and with all my might I struck the tentacle and it fell apart. I used the dust cloud from the debris to hide my exact location and darted back to Midoriya, and before he could flick me away, I froze him in place.

The dust settled the crowd was silent. Then loud cheering began. I couldn't help but smile. I did it. I really fucking did it. I beat him. I let my hand down and started walking the other direction.

But that's when I noticed something weird. Midnight didn't call that match on the field and Present Mic didn't announce it. I stopped right before I left the concrete and suddenly, I was hit hard on the shoulder and I collapsed to the ground.

I looked behind me and steam was coming from Midoriya. He was thawing himself out with his fire, but that should be impossible. The human body should shut down from the immense cold from being frozen.

But there he stood completely fine. He was even laughing at me.

"It seems I underestimated you, Todoroki." Just like that the stadium started shaking again as several tentacles emerged around him and me on the right and left of us and if that wasn't bad enough, several streams of fire leaked from his mouth and set the tentacle ablaze with a white fire.

His face started to turn into a skeleton form of itself and he was still laughing at me. It only pissed me off more. "Is this really how you treat people who are trying to help you?"

Then, without warning, all the tentacles came right at me and I flung myself up with my ice and I shot a large amount of ice down, freezing them.

I landed on top of the ice and I collapsed. I was at my limit, my body had ice covering it.

I looked down at Midoriya who was looking up at me. Then my eyes darted down at the frozen tentacles who were still on fire. "But how? That should be impossible. There isn't any oxygen in there."

I looked at Midoriya who was smiling even more.

"SHOTOOOOO!" The entire stadium, who were at the edge of their seats by this point, shot their eyes at Endeavor.

"USE MY QUIRK SHOTO, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO WIN." I looked down at him and tears formed in my eyes.

"Is there really no other way?"

Then the ice came crumbling down and I closed my eyes as I started to fall but I never hit the ground. I opened my eyes and found myself floating. I looked around to the tentacles who had collapsed and were not moving. Then Midoriya and I locked eyes. It was clear he was pissed off about something. He started hovering in front of me. We were only a few inches above the ground.

"Don't you dare listen to a word that bastard has to say." I was too shocked to say anything.

"If you use your fire, then I won't hold back any more. Do you think you will stand a chance then either?" Tears started forming in my eyes.

"You have no hope in beating me. So, give up Todoroki. Give up and don't fight me any longer." I looked away from Midoriya as my father started yelling at me.


"Todoroki please don't make me hurt you more than I already have."

My head started to spin.

But before I could even think about what I was doing I erupted in flames, and Midoriya flew back and the Telekinesis broke.


I was sobbing at this point.

"It is not your quirk, its mine. STOP CLAIMING ME." My anger had boiled over.

I pointed at Midoriya.

"Don't pretend to care. "Don't make me hurt you more than I already have." Shut up. You're not some sort of God. You are no better than me or anyone else. Stop acting like you are."

Midoriya's mouth dropped and my father started screaming at me.

My head was pounding and the world had not stopped spinning yet. I wasn't thinking clearly, but all I knew is that I had to win this no matter what. Even if that meant using my fire.

I raised my hand and a huge stream of fire roared out of it. The fire was so hot that I could see the scorch marks around where it was.

It was only a few seconds before it was stopped abruptly and I was thrown back. Once again, I had to use my ice to stop me from flying out.

"You're right Todoroki. I am not a God." Midoriya's tone was icy.

The smoke cleared as he started hovering in the air.

"I'm just God-like." He smiled as the ground shook and he made two large scythes and were hovering behind him. Then a smooth pure white stream of fire covered the scythes.

He covered his hand in the debris around him and then he launched himself towards me. The scythe was in his hand as he swung at me. I put up a wall of ice between us and he broke it with ease. I shot fire at him, hoping to deter him at all. But he used his other scythe as a shield. Rotating it fast enough to block my flames. He just kept coming toward me.

I flinched and raised my hands to cover my face, but right before he struck me, he stopped.

I started to sweat from the heat of his flames.

"Give up." He looked down at me, his eyes a pure gorgeous white. His hair was waving in the air. He was beautiful.

"No." I covered my foot with ice and kicked the scythe and broke it. Then I swept his legs from underneath and he fell over. When he fell on the concrete, the wind was knocked out of him and the scythe fell apart.

I got on top of him, my legs on either side of him as I sat on his chest. I put razor sharp ice on my fingertips and put it to his throat.

"YOU give up."

Now that I was looking down on him, I realized how bad he truly looked. His features were all skeleton-like. Did he really change this much from one blow? Or was I just oblivious earlier?

He started laughing.

"You're so cute when you're thinking." I blushed slightly, but I quickly pushed that down.

"Now is not the time for that Midoriya." He stopped and his face turned serious

"I know. But Todoroki, you really can't beat me. I can't die, no matter what you try, I'll come back and beat you. So, save us some time and give up." I forced a laugh.

"You are not in the situation to be demanding tha-!" He launched his neck into the razor like ice and bled out and died nearly instantly.

The crowd gasped as a pool of blood started to form.

I shot up, looked away, and started gasping for air. "Oh god he's dead. He killed himself. I can't believe he just did that."

I felt something hard hit me on the back and I fell over. After a second, I started to get up, just to be kicked hard in the stomach. I rolled over on my back and Midoriya got on top of me and put his finger tips with razor sharp rocks to my neck.

"I told you I can't die." He smiled at me.

"Just give u-" I shot a blast of ice that pierced his chest. He laid limp and the debris on his hand fell apart. The crowd gasped again.

Then a loud booming laugh echoed throughout the stadium. Midoriya was back and he lifted himself off of the ice and fell onto the ground. The hole in his chest was quickly healed, but he was even more of a skeleton than he was earlier.

Out of sheer panic, I started to shoot ice and fire at him as fast as I could. I am running out of strength, and I can't keep going for much longer. But of course, he was deflecting all of it with ease.

I backed up as I shot fire and ice at him and he walked closer to me as he deflected it. Soon we were at the end of the platform and I fell to my knees. I was weaving in and out of consciousness. He picked me up using his telekinesis, and we locked eyes. Then suddenly I fell to the ground and the last thing I heard before I passed out was:

"I forfeit."

Izuku Midoriya P.O.V.

Here I am, holding another person bloodied and mangled. But this time it was different. This time, they never gave up. Never begged for mercy. Never sobbed. Never begged for forgiveness. This time it wasn't someone who deserved it. This time it was someone who actually cares about me.

I dropped him.

"I forfeit."

Everything was silent as I walked away from Todoroki. I was almost off of the stage when I looked back at him. I sighed and walked back and scooped him into my arms and carried him using my telekinesis. Then I walked out with murmurs in the crowd.

"Damn it Izuku. You're going soft."

I looked down at Todoroki and smiled.

"For someone who just got the shit beat out of him, he sure is sleeping soundly."

As I walked to the infirmary, I couldn't help but find it weird.

I have never been so happy to lose.

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