Chapter Seventeen; A Hero's Perspective

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Warning: Long A/N at the end.

Izuku P.O.V.

My alarm went off and I was immediately mad at the world. I slammed my hand against the clock and the table creaked in pain as the alarm shut off. I sat up on my bed, stretching. I picked my clothes out for the day and set them on my bed.

I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror. I got definition back in my abs and I flexed my arms a bit. I sighed in relief. "I was worried that I would have to start working out all over again." My eyes traveled from my torso to my face. I didn't recognize the person staring back at me.

I got my old body back, but my face looked like its aged decades and my eye bags had never been worse. I touched my face and I could feel creases around my mouth. My hand felt around my face feeling every wrinkle, and stopping at my sunken in cheek. I leaned my head into my hand.

Tears crept down my face, my hand soon getting wet. Eventually there were tears dripping from my hands onto the floor. I stood Infront of the mirror for what felt like forever, eyes wide and in a trance like state. I felt numb, cold,


Eventually I snapped out of it and slapped myself across the face and I fell to my knees. "Izuku you idiot, you can never catch Shigaraki if you're this weak. You'll never be able to do anything if you cry when things get hard."

I hit my fists against the floor, tears splashing against the hard wood. "You're weak, pathetic. You're worth nothing if you can't do the one thing you dedicated your life to. What the hell are you doing, kneeling on the floor crying?" I looked in the mirror. My eyes red.

I slowly got up. "There is no point in wallowing. There is no one who cares, no one who will sympathize with you. You're nothing but a nuisance. Except that and move on." I locked eyes with myself in the mirror. A fierce hatred burned in them. But I couldn't tell if it was for me, Shigaraki, or the world who brought me to this point. 

I cleaned myself up and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and gave myself a small smile. " Let's cause some hell." I walked out of my room and started heading towards the stairway. But right before I started heading down, I heard Todoroki calling my name.

I looked back and I saw him rush up to me. "Hey, are you alright? I heard a loud bang in your room." I looked him up and down before locking eyes with him. His face grew a little red, from what I assume is embarrassment.

He looks terrible. His clothes are a mess. There is wrinkles all over them and his vest is crooked. And he looks like he hadn't slept in days.

"I should ask you that, you look terrible." His jaw dropped and his face grew even more red. "Y-yeah, I didn't sleep well last night and uh we are ten minutes late." I chuckled. "I didn't realize that, well we should get going, then shouldn't we?"

I turned around to start heading out and Todoroki quickly caught up to me. "I'm glad to hear that your voice is better." I grabbed at my throat. "Oh, I didn't even realize it didn't hurt anymore." My voice was still pretty rhapsody, but it didn't really hurt like it did before.

We walked to class together, in silence. Neither one of us really had anything to talk about. We got to class and I walked in first. Todoroki was close behind. The girls started whispering and giggling among each other, but the guys played no attention. Except for Kirishima who was looking at us with the corner of his eye.

"Glad to see you two were able to make it." I looked over at Shota. "You're welcome for even showing up." I smiled devilishly to the frustrated Shota while Todoroki was bowing and apologizing for his "poor time management skills."

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