Chapter Twenty

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Todoroki P.O.V.

I ran down the alley way and hid behind the building to the left. After a few seconds I peeked around the corner to see Midoriya scanning the alley way with his bright, white eyes; before smirking and flying off back towards the dorms. I took a deep breath. "That was close."

After a minute or two I used my ice to push off and head back to UA. At first, I've been following Midoriya when he starting leaving the dorms out of concern. I was worried he was going to hurt himself after what happened at the USJ. I didn't even dream that he would be out hunting down criminals and interrogating them.

Now the reason I go out is not to make sure he didn't hurt himself, but to make sure he didn't hurt others. But every time I was about to step in, I would get this huge cold chill. Like if I took another step I would die in that instant. So, I would just watch as he tortured criminal after criminal.

"I know he doesn't want to be a hero... Hates them even. But this is too far." I thought about reporting him, but after what he told me outside of the locker room today... after he cried into my shoulder. I just can't. I want to help him, and reporting him would do no one any good.

Eventually I got back to the dorms and I crashed on the bed. Not even getting changed. I woke up to a shrieking alarm later that morning. "How does he do this every night?" I sat up and stretched while yawning. I got up and got ready for the day and headed out.

Midoriya P.O.V.

I headed to class, but today I decided to go early hoping to talk to Todoroki before the day started. I got there and to my surprise he was already there. I walked up to him, and to say he looked exhausted would have been an understatement. He had eye bags, his hair was a mess, and he was slouched over like he was drunk.

I hoped on his desk. "Damn, you look rough." He looked up at me in surprise. "Yeah, long night." I smirked. "Exhausted following me around?" He nodded "Yeah." I waited a few seconds for the realization to set in. He shot up. "Wait what?!?" I crossed my legs and leaned my arms against his desk. "You left an ice trail in the alley way."

His eyes went wide. "Damn that wasn't smart." I forced a laugh. "You think?" We sat in silence for a few seconds. "I don't know why you decided to follow me, and frankly I don't care. But you need to stop." I hopped off his desk when he grabbed my arm. "No. What you're doing isn't right. You need to sto- "

My eyes shined a bright white as I closed his mouth. Panic indulged him as I leaned in towards his face. "That wasn't a request. I'm telling you to stop following me."

Then the door opened and I quickly deactivated my quirk. He gasped for air and I smiled at him, and then started to walk away. The door was fully opened now and many people from the class started to fill the room. They all looked like zombies, with their dead like shuffle, coming into the classroom. Except for Iida who walked in with his usual pep in his step. Ready to get the day started.

"I really, really hate that guy."

Five minutes passed before the bell rang and Aizawa came waltzing in with his own dead like shuffle. He slapped down the files he carried in with him every morning. "Alright class shut up and sit down."

He said that all though the class was already sitting down, silent. I couldn't help but to cringe a little. "Today we are talking about the most popular school event of the year." I smiled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. But there were the few idiots, like Kaminari, who didn't know what he was talking about.

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