Chapter Seven

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Aizawa P.O.V.

"What a damned mess." I was on my way to Nezu's office after escorting Bakugo to the nurse's office. "What is he thinking?! Does he want to go to jail?" I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door and sat down in front of his desk.

"Is something wrong Shota?" I sighed and held a two up with my left hand. "In the past hour, two things as happened I should tell you about." Nezu nodded his head. "Continue." I nodded my head. "The first being that Izuku threatened a student, who provoked him, and then the student attacked him. Midoriya defended himself. The student doesn't appear to have injuries but was sent to the nurse's office. Also, he threatened another student who was acting like a pervert."

Nezu nodded his head and folded his paws. "What were the students names?" "The first is Bakugo the second being Mineta." Nezu half smiled. "I expected Bakugo, they went to school together and never practically got along according to his teachers. Mineta I was not expecting, guess he doesn't like perverts? Can't fault him for that one. You talk to Midoriya I will talk to the other two."

I hesitated for a second. "Actually, that leads to the second thing I had to tell you." Nezu leaned back in his chair. "Oh? So more happened other than him threatening two students? Lovely." His voice got cold and sarcastic. I tensed up. "Well yes, Mineta failed the exam I had set up today and his goals aren't practically....... Heroic. So, I expelled him."

Nezu glared at me. "You can't go a single year without expelling a kid can you?" I sighed. "This time it was a cowardly pervert with little skill and no clear drive, what else did you expect?" He smiled. "That's true at least. I will see who got the next most points and add them into your class as a late admission."

I held up my hand. "I actually had an idea of who should take his place." He smirked at me. "Let me guess, the purple haired boy with the brain washing quirk?" I nodded my head. "Instead of adding a new student to UA, we can just transfer him since he is in general studies." Nezu starting laughing at me. "You know your cold act might be fake, but you still are quite cunning." I smiled "I take that as a compliment." Nezu sighed. "If you want him in his class, I'll allow it. But first I want you to train him in combat." I nodded. "I can do that."

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

After Mineta collapsed, Midoriya turned around and walked away. We all froze in shock. Not even Mr. Aizawa moved for a couple of minutes. But eventually the shock wore off and he sent Mineta off to the dorms and sent us all to get dressed and go back to class as he escorted Bakugo to the nurse's office. I walked with the girls back to get dressed.

"I know that was like really scary, but I'm not upset at Midoriya for what he did. He stood up for us in his own way." Hagakure started the conversation as we headed to the locker rooms. "I don't think he did it for us, he just can't stand the thought of someone who is trying to be a hero for selfish perverted reasons instead of pure ones. Like helping people." Momo was probably right with that. "He doesn't seem like the type to stand up for other people."

"But the real question is, why do I like him even more than I did before?!" I started blushing at the thought of him. "I can't stand this! I've never had this problem. I've always had control over my emotions, I won't let him take that from me." Momo started giggling next to me, and the other girls looked over.

"It doesn't seem like we are the only ones that like Midoriya more, huh Shoto~" Momo nudged me in the side with her elbow. "Shut up, t-that's not true." I looked away scratching the back of my head. My face started blushing a slight red. The other girls just started giggling.

"It's ok to like someone Todoroki. Especially someone like Midoriya. He's really cool, strong, and good looking." Uraraka smiled brightly at me. "Y-yeah I know that." I can't help it I just can't be mean to her. She's too nice. "Oh, so you do like Midoriya huh, Todoroki?" Hagakure on the other hand is the most annoying girl I have ever met. "Will you just drop it?" She giggled. "Alright fine."

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