Chapter Fourteen

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Shota Aizawa P.O.V.

After I watched Nezu go into the elevator I got up and went outside of the hospital. "How come all hospitals have such bad reception?"

There was an outdoor sitting area next to the entrance. I went to the furthest side of it and sat under a shaded bench. I pulled out my phone and scrolled to Hizashi's contact. "Here goes nothing."

I dialed him and he picked up. "Hey babe, is everything, all right? You never call during school hours." I sighed. "Yes, well no, but yes." "Um, are you? You sound nervous."

I took a deep breath. "You remember when we talked about adopting a kid?" The line went silent. "Shota, what the hell did you do." I took a deep breath. "Nothing! Well, nothing yet, I wanted to talk to you first." He sighed. "Hang on let me go into the hallway."

I could hear him excuse himself from my class and walk into the hallway. "Ok, so what the hell is this about adopting a kid?!" I could hear his tone drop between him being in the classroom and him going into the hallway. "Well, Midoriya woke up and Nezu and I talked. We agreed that he needs permeant parental figures in his life. And I think you and I would be a good fit for that."

Silence rang over the phone. "Shota, we talked about this. I don't want kids." I sighed. "It wouldn't be for long. He only has a couple of years before he would move out." I could hear him start to get frustrated. "You know that's not how it works! Parenting is a lifelong commitment. You know how impossible it is for two pro heroes to parent a child? Not to mention how often we get slandered on the news because of our relationship. Do you really want to involve Midoriya in that?"

I kept my tone calm. "Since when does the news bother you? And it isn't like we are forcing Midoriya into it. I will explain it to him and he can decide. He is old enough to where he doesn't need us around constantly so us being pro heroes might be a good influence on him. Maybe he won't hate heroes so much after seeing how we do things."

Again, silence rang over the line. I could tell that Hizashi was getting upset. He took a deep breath before responding. "Shota. I know how much you care about Midoriya. But Midoriya does not care about you. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. You are putting all your time and effort to a child that hates you for a profession that helps people! Not only do I not want a child, I especially don't want one who hates the profession I chose because he deems it selfish. I don't like Midoriya, so why would I want us to adopt him?"

I was in shock by what I was hearing. "You know why he hates pro heroes! You know his past, his struggles. To judge him off of that a horrible thing to do. I'm sorry but it's true. That isn't Midoriya. Not the true one. I want to meet the real one, the version of him before Shigaraki. Right now, he is a broken, cold hearted child who needs help. Why won't you let me help him?"

Then there was a long tense quiet. It felt like forever before he finally responded. "Fine." I was in shock. "What?" He sighed. "I said fine. Because you know what? Who gives a damn about what I want and what I need. It's about what you want. What you need. Who you want to help. But don't expect me to bend over backwards for him. I'll help out but I won't put up with any bull shit. And Shota." "Yes?" He sighed. "When you finally realize how much of a hopeless case he is, I will be here to catch you and maybe'll start listening to me." He hung up after that.

Tears welled up in my eyes. But when I saw Nezu walk out I wiped them away and put on my usual cold expression. He saw me and walked over. "I take it that he wasn't too willing to your idea." I forced a laugh and relaxed. "That obvious?" Nezu nodded his head. "Shota, your greatest weakness is your greatest strength. Your heart. You want to help everyone. But at some point, you are going to have to learn how to take care of yourself first."

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