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  "Hey sweetie, are you ready for your first day of school?" Dad asked as we were having breakfast.

"I'm honestly nervous," I sighed. "It'll be a really new environment for me."

My dad is a cook. We were originally from Thailand, but a popular company here in Korea offered my dad the position of the cook for the company's events, which included people who were famous in the industries of business and politics. 

He just couldn't say 'no' to it, after all, cooking was dad's passion. My mom passed away after two years of fighting her illness, which was brain cancer, two months ago. One of the reasons why we moved from Thailand was for us to fully accept that she's gone. I sometimes miss her, but what can I do? I have to pull myself together.

"Don't be nervous, sweetie. I'm sure a lot of girls will be checking you out in there," Dad smiled playfully. I'm happy my dad accepts me for who I am. I like girls. I came out to them when I was in 8th grade. I thought they would be disappointed or tell me that I'm just confused, but luckily, they took that as 'their daughter sharing her life with them.'

"Oh my god, Dad," I gave him a 'seriously?' look.

"What? You're gorgeous, attractive, and all, so I'm sure not just girls but also boys," Dad laughed. "Stop it, dad, I seriously am nervous," I said, still smiling at him.

"I'm not joking at all. I'm just cheering you up. If you're nervous, just remember when your mom used to smile at you every time you entered your school when you were just a little," Dad deliberated.

"Yeah, you're right, dad. Okay (breath) let's go."

"Well, that's my girl," Dad genuinely smiled.


"Woah, big school, huh?" I mumbled as we stopped in front of it.

Entern University is really that big, and I heard from my dad that it's a really popular school in the city.

"So this is it, Lisa Manoban, your senior high school starts today," Dad smiled as he looked at me.

"Thanks, dad," I said as I hugged and kissed him.

"It really starts today," I got out of his car. I peeked at his passenger's side window to look at my dad.

"I'll see you at home," I smiled at him.

"Yes, okay, and don't forget—" he looked up to see my view clearer. "Just play it cool when they drool at you," Dad said as he smiled playfully. There he goes again. "I gotta go, bye, dad, I love you," I ignored. He waved at me, then left. Facing the large school again, "Entern University, let's just see what you are up to," I said as I entered the school.

Sorry for grammatical errors.

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