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It's already Lunch and Lisa hasn't came. back yet..

"where's lisa?" Jeongnan asked..

we are heading to the canteen now to have lunch..

"all i know is that she excused herself to pee when our pe is finished" Seulgi answered..

Irene and Nayeon suddenly stopped us from walking..

"where is your friend?" Irene suddenly asked..

"uhh.. and why do you care? do you like her?" Seulgi innocently asked..

Irene gave he a sharp stare Seulgi just looked some where being scared..

"Jennie said she will just do something and I saw her following Lisa.. Your friend might did something"
Nayeon interacted…

"tss..or your friend does" Jeongnan with an upset tone..

Nayeon just rolled her eyes..

hayyysstt..these four..

"let's just go look for them" i suggested..

and luckily they agreed..

"let's go first to the comfort room" 
seulgi suggested 

they're not in here but nayeon recognized the bottle at the side of faucet ..it's Jennie's…

"I saw this bottle holding by Jennie a while ago..when she followed Lisa.. or I don't know if it's just the same with others" Nayeon said..

we just put the bottle at the trash can..
gosh..if Jennie is the one owning that one, i think i already pointed out what happened..

"let's go the locker area" I said.. and we walk there..


We're both done taking a shower, (not at the same time) I changed into another pair of jogging pants ..

i need to take home  my jogging pants again to laundry it..

Jennie was now changed into another pair of uniform as well.. its the skirt and the blazer for her..

the bell was already rang a few minutes ago..

while I was putting my wet jogging pants in my locker Jennie spoke..

"screw you Manoban," she said enough for me to speak..

i finally locked my locker before turning into her..

"could you.. stop? " I said..seriously I'm sick of her being bully all the time.

she just raised her eye brow..what a bitch..

"we're on our senior year right  now, and graduation is approaching.. why are you being like that? shouldn't you be supposed to making good memories?" i calmly asked.

"shut up..no one is going to tell me what to do!" she suddenly yelled..

Whoa..her eyes..is she going to cry?

"I'm happy can't you see? i am happy right now..don't you know me.. I'm Jennie Kim and students here are so over me!!!"she strongly said.. 

Tears are about come out on her eyes

"So wrong Jennie" i weakly said enough for her to hear..

"and why is that so? does my mom treat me right when I was there as her Daughter?!!, does-does she have a happy memories with me before her and dad separated.. !!??? huh..?"

she finally cried..
so she really is going through something..

" I'm sorry" i apologized..

"i don't need your sorry.." she wiped her tears and About to leave

but I pulled her arm and hugged her..

(stay by blackpink song)

I know I don't know her full story but i can tell.its a sad one.. I'm hoping hug would make her calm ..hope she would forgot for now that I am her enemy..

she just let herself cry and Return my hug..and we stayed like that for a moment..

for llike 10 or 15 minutes???

"oh my---" I heard someone said..we both looked where that came from and we saw our friends..

my eyes got widened..
so we immediately pull back from the hug..

sorry for grammatical errors and misspelled words

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