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after some washing .. onto my body,
and changing my clothes,

I straightly went to the basketball area..

and wow the cheer, yell and chants of each.opponent's cheerer are loud..

I can hear it  outside of the area..

as soon as I open the door I search where my friend's at..

. they're they are..

at the side where the cheerleaders.of our levels..oh..

I went near them..

"Oh Lisa, you're here" Seulgi said..

"sit Here..it's the only available space for this side.."She added..

"Hey Jennie, you're  not mean to Lisa  anymore..right?" Wtf..

Jennie didn't notice me..

"okay?" Jennie confusedly answered..
"Okay..here Lisa sit here" Seulgi called me tapping the space beside Jennie..

Jennie turned to me and got surprised..

I just followed Seulgi..I sat beside Jennie like being awkward..

I half-smiled
..before turning my attention to the game..

I checked the score and woah..Kai's team is leading the score.. its 89 - 95 and I can't read the what quarter are they now so

 i look at Jennie..

"what's -- their quarter?" I asked..

"oh..ah.its its almost the end of the third quarter"

"mm" noding my head in response..

"hey..what happened to you two? when you we're enemies both of you have so many words for each other..but now you're into the beginning of friendship,  you lost your words.." Seulgi unbreakingly said..

this girl..aishh..

We both look at her.. 

"ohhh..ah..i think that's too much to say?hehehe.." she moved back and continue watching and cheering for the game..

But she's right though, she asked me if we can be friends yet I'm just like a mute person infront of her..


Just as Kai earned another point he pointed Jennie which cause our  other 
classmates to tease her..

I just kept quiet..

I saw Irene sitting with wendy.. She's - looking at me or was i just assuming?..

she turned her eyes in the game..

I just ignore it maybe I'm just over imagining..

" dnbfjdkdkdnff?" 

Jennie.saying something but I can't hear it so I move near my ear to her with my head of course..

The cheer are so loud..

"Sorry what's that?" I spoke loudly for her to hear..

"I-I said how was your game?".She also spoke louder.. 

"uh..my game.? I just got winner a while a ago..so I'm having my championship game tomorrow .." 

"ohhh..congrats then" she softly smiled..

"thank you then" I smiled back..

we turned our attention to the game 
and cheer for Kai's Team..

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