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"Jennie, let's go. Class is about to start," Irene says from behind, snapping me out from my thoughts.

"That girl, how dare her! She will pay for this," I walk angrily, with Irene following me from behind.

Ugh... The teacher has a meeting, so we're stuck in this classroom.

"Oh my god, Jennie, I think you found your worst enemy," Hanbin says, chuckling with the other boys.

"I saw how that girl took the bottle from you. She's thin yet stronger than you," Chen added, laughing louder this time.

"Shut up!" I yell at them.

"Jennie, you need to calm down first," Irene says, forming circles from my back.

"I just—I just can't believe someone would do that kind of thing towards me... I mean, no one in this school has had the urge to talk to me like that," I blurt out, taking a heavy breath.

I just hate it more because—because her face... It's—ugh... There's no way I'm gonna say it that way. She's a piece of shit.

"Calm down, okay? Breathe... Inhale, exhale," Irene orders.

I follow what she says, inhaling then exhaling slowly, and it's making me really calm.

"Thanks, Irene. I really needed that," I smile at her.

"No problem. What's the point in being besties, right?" She says, smiling back.

Irene is my best friend, but we're more like sisters. We do things together in this school. We're both cheerleader members and also the leaders. We are popular, they are afraid of us, we bully students together if we're in the mood, but most of the time, I'm more active in making the low-class students suffer. 

And I like it. Who cares? Irene just lets me bully who I want to. Oh, and she's older than me but just in a 3-month gap.

I was just really thankful and happy I have Irene.

"Guys, our teacher is coming," Nancy says coming in from the comfort room... How did I know? Well, that's her habit.

In between periods, she always walks out to go to the comfort room to do her makeup. She said mirrors there are wider and better, and she can clearly see her face.

Such a waste of time.

"Okay, class, now we may start..."

The teacher announces. Ugh... Boring...


"Oh my gosh, Lisa, what the heck has really gotten into you? And you just had to talk to the popular mean girl of this school?" Seulgi shockingly asks me.

We are currently sitting in our seats. The teachers had an urgent meeting which caused us to have our own little chit-chats.

"I just can't let that happen," I answer.

"Yeah, I get you, but dude... Can't you see she's a star here? As far as I know, there are students who idolize them. You can be hated by them as well," Jisoo states.

"I don't care. They're on the wrong path then, idolizing a mean girl in the school," I reply.

"But seriously, you're the only one who answered her back in that way... It's just so cool of you," Jeongnan says, smilingly.

"I agree. It's like a knight in shining armor for the girl with glasses a while ago," Seulgi agrees.

"Stop making it more dramatic. It's just a help I can give to that girl," I simply say.

"Then you should be more careful... Jennie and her best friend will have their burning eyes on you, together with their minions. You should be more careful," Jisoo warns.

"I know."

"Okay, class, we may start..." the teacher says as he steps inside.

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