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Intramurals is already tomorrow..

And everyone is preaparing per grade label..

Cheering squad, the performance for the opening program, etc..

well for some athletes like me, our coach prefer to rest for the day..

we're being just be careful, who knows intense practice for now then we got ourselves hurt or injured so it's a part of safety measures also ..

and today we're not doing homeroom activities ..cause everybody is pulled out..  

for the people who doesn't have sports they have own activities regarding for the intramurals and for those who are academic students who is not really into like social activities and sports, 

they're in the library.. reading and reading…and so on..

my god..

and as for me, I am done helping the other students in designing the stage..

I have nothing much to do this day.. maybe I'll go find Jisoo to check Seulgi and Jeongnan who were called by their coaches..

I was about to leave the stage with still some students working with the letterings, when someone called my name..

"Hey Lisa"

that voice..it's been a long week?

I was surprised cause her voice is not like a bitch this time..

I look behind and there she is.. and I must say.. it's different, her face is just like the ordinary kind student and not her mean girl position everytime we met.. 

"yes?" I was confused..she's not tje Jennie I knew..

"I -- would like to apologize for-for the mean things I - I did to you" She shyly said..

what on earth..Jennie Kim the popular school bully girl? 


"I - I'm sorry" she weakly said bowing her head..

I remain Calm ..

"that's okay though..I mean it's been what? a week..?  ..it doesn't matter anymore.."

"so does that mean?"

ohmygod.. her innocent cat eyes
.I can't….

"we're good " I smiled..even it's opposite on the inside..

I'm just not used to it..

"really? are you sure?"her tone is really different .

"yeah,.promise..and I swear it's the truth..i don't hate you."

"uhmm..yeah..I should  go back to the cheering area..see you around" and with that she smiled..

I'm screaming right now..holy Christ..

why does her smile..--

Lisa calm down, that's just Jennie for goodness sake

"uhm..ye-yeah..s s-ee you ar-around" 
why did I even stuttered..I smiled back.. awkwardly


Okay, okay Lisa.. Breathe In, Breathe out..again.. again..

wooohhh..I almost died..no just kidding..I proceed to find Jisoo

where is tht girl.  .

we're not yet dismissed so she's not allowed to go out..

i was about to call.her when i spotted her happily talking to a girl at a bench beside the office's door..

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