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She looks at me surprised then scoffs.

"You look new here. Whoever the fuck you are, don't mind my business, bitch," she retorted back.

Her face looks angelic, but she has a devil attitude. How poor.

"Leave the girl alone," I looked at the girl bowing her head.

 I say to the girl with glasses. "You can leave now, I'll handle this."

I signal to her to leave. Even though she has a worried face, she still slowly walks away. So, me and this Jennie are staring face to face. Her eyes are full of anger.

"How dare you let that girl leave??" Jennie yells.

The students begin to look at us.

"Ohhhhh... this is interesting," a boy from behind utters, laughing together with the other boys. I think they are friends because they are at one table.

"Shut up, Hanbin," Jennie angrily says, turning her head at that boy. Hanbin is his name.

"Chill, I'm not your enemy here," he chuckles. "That girl in front of you is your opponent." Hanbin laughs louder this time.

This boy, can't he stop laughing?

Just then, Jennie returns her gaze to me.

"Can someone here speak to this newbie and tell her who she was talking to?! And tell her how to know her place??" Jennie asks loudly enough for the students around us to hear, still looking at me with her arms crossed.

Seulgi and Jeongnan immediately approach me. "Lisa, let's go," Seulgi says, pulling my arm.

The girl Irene stands up behind her.

That eyes, I suddenly remember our eye interaction earlier.

"Oh, so you're friends with this nerdy girl—" Jennie says when she turns her look at Seulgi "—and another loser," she continues as she looks at Jeongnan.

What the heck?

"Is there any problem, Jennie?" the girl from behind asked. It's Irene.

Seulgi keeps pulling my arm, but also, I keep shoving her arms as well, which are trying to hold me, well, not in a forceful way though.

"Lisa, let's go," Jeongnan worriedly says from behind.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" the boys behind cheer as his other male friends join as well.

"No, Irene, just stay back. I can handle this bitch," Jennie answers, still looking at me, which answers what Irene asked.

Just as then, the bell rang.

I can hear the boys behind are complaining.

"But the fight is just about to start," another boy says.

The staring contest between me and this Jennie girl has not yet done.

"Lisa, let's go," I hear Jisoo yell standing distant from us.

I take a step forward towards this Jennie. As I move near her, she distances her face a little away from mine.

Afraid much? Just kidding, this is still the so-called popular Jennie.

"Don't ever make fun of the students here. You may be popular here, but once I catch you doing that again, it's me who you'll be dealing with," I look at her straight in the eyes before leaving.

"Let's go."

"Ughh... finally," Jeongnan says from behind.

We immediately leave, not turning my head on them. Students are leaving the canteen as well.

"Gosh, what has gotten into you?" Seulgi asks while heading to our room.

"Nothing," I simply answered.

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