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We're on this short
last part..haja

    Okay Irene..  breath in..breathe out..
I'm just here at the audience's chair at football arena..

i like the air here, so refreshing ..even.though it's morning..  i am wearing my hoodie anyway..

"let's talk" I heard Lisa's voice..

"'re Here, where's Jennie?" I tood up..

"at the library, " She seems serious..
"why is she not with you though..? "

"it's because I told to her I'll talk to you"

"okay? about what?" I'm confused.. and she seems so serious..

"why are you avoiding me?"

I was surprised by her question..
I looked away.

"Maybe it's just you feel that wa-"

"really Irene? do you think I'm every interactions we have you're the who's having her distance.."

"just go back to Jennie, she might be alone in there" I mumbled.. I was about to leave but then she grabbed my wrist..

"just answer the question..Irene"

I forcefully remove my hand from her.. facing her
"why would you care! it's not your business!!"

My emotions are hard to handle..

"are we having a problem? cause the last time I think..there's nothing..we we're okay before! but now..what happened?your distancing yourself! your making me crazy..thinking I might did something wrong to you..!! do you get that!? only if you knew.." She strongly said..

"because I like you okay..!!! there happy?? I f*cking like you to the point that I'm really falling for you. but fuck.. My best friend also like you!! so I have to distance myself from you cause if not,  I might love you!..!!" 

I'm literally crying right now, I can't hide it anymore..

"so let's just stay away from each other, can we?" I weakly added..

I wipe my tears,
"just go back to Jennie.."

I turned around and about to leave..

"then what if I say I have this feeling that I can't explain toward you?"

what does she mean?

"that,..You make my heart beats faster everytime I'm looking at you not because it's awkward but because You make my heart happy..that..that those good conversation we have, I wish there well be a next moment like those.. I wish we have a time we could talk just the two of u--"

"stop please!!"

I could be happy but I feel pain..pain for my best friend..I can't ..I just can't..

My Tears couldn't stop..
I face her..

"you can tell Jennie that you don't like her back..but don't...don't use me as your reason just because you feel something towards me"

"Let's just end it this way..Lisa..don't come near me or talk to me!..just pretend we're okay infront of our friends or to Jennie..don't worry, just a few months to go and we'll be separating so just deal with it!"

I finally leave .. Wiping my tears..

Why does it have to be like this!!!


sorry for grammatical errors and mispelled words..

book 2? soon..thanks for reading

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