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Right after Kai's game, I got a message from my dad he's here already in Korea..

So he's texting me for a.dinner outside..

it's been what two months since I haven't seen him..
and I'm happy I got to see him again even though I got to used to it that this is our set-up as a father and daughter..
As much as I want to help Irene and the other students to fix these sports thing and stuff..

I wanted to see my dad..

"it's okay Jennie, we understand you..and I'm sure Uncle Kim is also excited to see you.. so just go " Irene said..

"I'm really thankful to you Irene.." I smiled..

I hugged her and bid my goodbye to our other friends..

and with that, I left..

I spotted Lisa to the other side with her friends.. 

Should I tell her also I'm leaving? 
ughh..as if we're close friends..

yeah I told her were friends but I don't have the confidence.. after all, I have done so many bad things to her..

I'll just leave it like this then..I'll just wait for her to talk to me in a friendly manner..

plus, I can't handle my actions and behavior if I'm infront of her..i don't know..


I arrived now at the restaurant where my dad was, it looks  fancy though..

 I entered and saw my dad waved so i went and give him a cheek kiss and hug.. i sat at the chair infront of him..

"I missed you,sweetie"
"me too, dad"

"waiter" my dad called.. 

The waiter approached us and both said our orders after the waiter had left, my dad is smilingly looking at me..

"how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, me and my best friend Irene are doing great at school.. we do the cheerlead and yeah..school is amazing"

after I stopped being a bully..

"That's great then, and what else?"

I told my father more about school, the intramurals, my plan.when I graduated.. 

nothing to worry about my College.cause my dad has been supportive for what I want in life..

our orders have arrived and already started eating and our conversation continues as well..

My dad is currently looking at me with those look..

oh gosh, ..I pretended i didn't know what was it..

"what?" as I continue to munch my food and drink half of my drinks..

" and boyfriend? you haven't told me about that yet"

oh gosh..

"nothing, I don't have a boyfriend" I answered weakly..

" girlfriend?"

"nothing as well, I-I d-don't have one"

Honestly, I don't lebel my sexuality ..
What I know is that i admire both girls and boys but no label at all..

And I enjoy being the femme one..I have already told this to my dad when I once had a crush on Jisoo during our Junior year.Yes Kim Jisoo Lisa's friend .but shh..that was before so don't you dare..

I just admire her features..that's all, nothing more..nothing less..

My dad was very open to my sexuality and he's very understandable.. And I love him.. he's my man.

"your stuttering, should I say your lying?" Dad calmly asked.. 

I got back from my thoughts..

"aniya, it's just that -- "
ughh..what would I tell to my dad.

"You like this girl?" My dad asked..waiting for my answer.

I look down..
"I- I don't know" I answered weakly..

"hmmm.. so you like her but your not admitting it to yourself" It's not a question.but not a statement..

I just can't answer..

"So I am right?" 

"That girl,.I have done so many bad things to her before, and now here I am confused because --" 


"because your like falling for her?" 

is it?

"I don't know.. "

"Jennie, You like her, you just want to admit it because of the situation you had when you said you had done bad to her" 

I think so..

" - but that's okay though, the thing is you must stop being mean to other students.."

I apologized to dad because I confessed to him that I've been a bully school girl since  in 9th grade but I told him that I changed..now..

that I Lisa came and she answers  me back and..and..


I'm just glad my dad understands me it's because since my mom left..

and he, my dad apologized for that ..he had done nothing wrong though..he's nothing to.sorry about..

"anyways, who's the girl"


"the girl you like but you won't admit it to yourself"

I thought we're done with that topic but here he is bringing.it back..

"I'm waiting Jennie"

"her name is-is.. Lisa" I spoke
"oh…her full name?"

"what are you a prosecutor? it's it's
Lisa Manoban" 

"Manoban? It's not a Korean surname?"

"She's from  Thailand"

and the topic about Lisa continues..I told him about  what I know about her..

you're driving me crazy!

we continued to talk other things outside the school..


"we're here" after some conversation and instructing Lisa where my address is we have finally arrived..

we both got out from her car..

"thank you" I thanked..

(crazier cover by Arthur Miguel)

"it's nothing actually,So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Lisa

"yeah, see you tomorrow"

I was just  standing looking at her..
"Uhmm..you can go"

"go inside first, before I'll leave" 


"bye again," And I finally went inside..
as soon as I entered leaned at my body on door..

I looked up..

goshh..heart stop it..start beating so fast..

sorry for grammatical errors and
mispelled words

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