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I was a bit surprise to on the previous week that Jennie was the first one to approach our table but now..

we're totally friends.as in friends..
we eat at snack and lunch together, we accompany them on their other activities if ever we we're merged section..

It's just that Irene seem to be distance in me.. I don't wanna asume but that's what I see..

Everytime we'll be sitting together she choses to sat beside one of my friends or hers.. It just makes me confuse as heck..did I do something wrong?

and Jennie? seems to be the one who's  being close to me, I mean i get this clingy vibes with her..everytime we're having our lunch, she's too much close, i don't know if it's just normal..

my friends thought we have a relationship..like what??

also Jennie's friends teases us..

haysstt.. I'm on my way now to the parking lot, my friends already went first.. it's just.. i have some activities to submit this day..

"hey Lisa" I look at Kai who's infront of me..


we are sitting at the bench near the vending machine..

"I notice how Jennie and our other classmates being close to section A like you" he started..

"That's--- good.. I mean guess no more bully here in the school anymore? right"

"yeah, cause the bully queen likes you"

okay, now I don't know how to respond to that..

"uhmm..what Are you talking about" I smiled nervously..

"don't you notice, Jennie who's the girl I like..likes you" Kai look at me ..oh gosh..I can see the pain in his eyes..

"we're friends? "

"well maybe that's what you thought, but the way she gets close to you, her gestures towards you and the way she stare at you tells that she really like you.. a lot"

he smiled..
"how come you didn't know that but me  who's just watching you from distance notice that "

"that must be, (sighed) I don't know..we're friends"

"look, I just want to apologize for being such a b*tch to you, hoping you'd forgive me?" He's being serious as I can See..

I smiled..

"there's nothing you should sorry about" I stated..

"just forget about that, so..we're friends now?"

"yeah, friends.." he smiled..

"you and your friends should join us during break or lunch time.."

"yeah, sure..we'll do"

"One last question,"

"what is it?"" ..

"do you like Jennie?"

I got blank at that question, I don't know what to answer..

"uhm..i guess you're still.figuring out.." he said when He noticed That I'm still just quiet..

"the truth is.. i don't know, cause -- i - really don't know.."

He just smiled then stood up so I followed as well..

"that's all I could say for now, see you around? "


I'm laying on my bed looking up the ceiling .. Just got back from school
when my phone rang..

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