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We were about to come out of the car when we heard someone yelling from a little distance away from Seulgi's car entrance.

"Is that Irene?" Seulgi asked, glancing at Irene talking to a boy whose face I couldn't see because his back was facing us.

Seulgi parked her car slowly a few meters away from them.

We could hear enough of what they were talking about.

"It's Suho. From what they've said, he's her ex now... How come they are talking again?" Seulgi said, with a confused face.

Irene has a boyfriend? Oh.

Watching the scene of Irene and that Suho...

Suho kept holding Irene's hand, but Irene kept shoving it away.

Is Irene going to cry? Her eyes, though...

"Dang, I think Suho wants a comeback," Jeongnan said, still peeking at Irene.

"Only Irene can decide on that," Jisoo uttered from the front seat, not minding the scene. She was playing with her nails.

"Please, Irene," Suho begged. Ugh... I couldn't see his face.

"No!!.. I don't want you!! We're done! So fuck off!!" Irene shouted.


At that moment, a guard from the parking finally approached them.

"Is everything okay?" the guard asked.

When they all settled and began to disperse, that's when we got out of the car.

"Hayssttt... Even though Irene is a popular student here and almost the perfect girl... Suho still cheated on her," Jeongnan sighed, as we walked toward our classroom.

I must agree with what Jeongnan said. When it comes to physical features, she has it all... She's just too beautiful to be cheated on.

"Oh, did I say that out loud? I guess not..." I thought to myself.

"Well, I guess, it's one of her karmas," Jisoo stated, not minding at all.

"So rude. She is still a human, you know," Seulgi remarked.

"I'm just stating the fact, duh," Jisoo retorted.

Well, that's the only problem. Irene is pretty and all on the outside, but ugly on the inside... It just makes it all totally ugly.

"How about you, Lisa? What do you think about what we witnessed a while ago? I mean, you know the mean popular girl's ex-boyfriend?" Seulgi asked, cutting me out of my thoughts. Maybe she sensed that I wasn't talking.

"Uhmmm... I honestly don't know what to say... I don't know that boy... Maybe Irene and that Suho are not meant for each other," I suddenly blurted out, smiling awkwardly.

"Huh?" Seulgi looked confused.

I just laughed awkwardly. Goodness.


After that guard helped me make Suho leave, I immediately headed to our room... What a way to start the day... Fucking Suho.

"Hey, Irene!" Jennie immediately left Kai while Kai's hand was still around Jennie's neck.

"Oh... What's with that face?" Jennie looked at my expression.

I just sighed. "Nothing," I replied. I was going to my seat when Jennie stopped me.

"Irene, I know you," Jennie gave me a look, silently asking me to tell her what happened.

I sighed again. Well, she's really my best friend.

"Suho... we talked. He came and talked to me at the parking lot. He wants us to get back together," I gave in to her look.

"That cheater?! How dare he??" Jennie's face turned mad.

"It's okay. I already made it clear to him that we're over and I don't want him anymore," I explained.

"But did he say that he won't bother you anymore?" She asked again, though she already expected my answer.

"No," I answered.

"See?" Jennie sighed. She turned to Kai.

"Hey, Kai, can you tell your friend, or should I say cheater, to stay away from my best friend?" Jennie said in a bitchy tone.

Kai and Suho are friends. If I'm not mistaken, they are both players. Tskk...

Just glad Jennie didn't let him trick her with his cheesy words and his actions towards her... That was just nothing to her.

"Sorry, babe, but it's her decision... If she wants Irene back then..." Kai turned his look to me.

"Give her a chance, Irene," Kai said, smilingly.

"Fuck you," I muttered.

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