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While I was walking to where the taekwondo  room is, I heard a familiar 
voice it's  i think at the section B's classroom..

the door was half closed so it's not locked..

"Please Jennie" Jennie? kim jennie?
a voice of a guy said..
it's really familiar voice..

Well I didn't mean to hear that..so --

I am just curious..

I decided to eavesdrop..

"please Kai, I don't have time for this..we have a practice ..they might be waiting for me" Its Jennie's voice.. 

"Jennie please" Kai said..

I peep to the door which is slightly opened.. 

"Kai please," Jennie removed Kai's hand from hers..

Kai is getting annoying..aishh..

So I think of a way to get Jennie get out from this guy..
why do I even doing this..ahhh.whatever I'll just do it..

I pretended to accidentally bumped on the door making  myself fall which cause the door to fully open..

acting line starts now,

"ouch..ah..that hurts" I said holding my arm..

they both looked at me.. I saw Jennie's face.. is she concern to me?

aish..stop it.. 

"oh..Jennie your here," I stood up

"I walk pass at the court and  I was told by Nayeon that  if I saw you I'll tell you that  they're waiting for you.."

What an acting Lisa..

"oh..o-okay " jennie just answered..

Jennie turned to Kai,

"let's talk about this some other time..let's just focus  for the upcoming intramurals" Jennie said then leave..

"gotta go also" I head to the taekwondo practice room ..

before Kai would say something ..

that was the plan..okay it's an success!

Thank god it's weekend.. 

It's Saturday morning and oh my god
it's damn freezing..

I am here lying in my bed still feeling the warm under my comforter..

"Lisa, you should have coffee it's a cold weather for this weekends" 

I heard my father yelled downstairs..


Even though I'm lazy to leave my bed, I am mote into coffee today..cause heck it's freezing..

"good morning Sweetie" Dad said as he sip his coffee at the table..

"morning dad" I went to the kitchen counter to make my coffee..

"are you going out today?" Dad asked..

"it's freezing out there,so i don't know" 
i sat at the chair infront of him.. 

"and you? You seems relax today and not rushing to put your shoes on" I smiled playfully..sipping my coffee

that was my father, everytime he's rushing..i find it funny though.

just joking love you dad..

"Well today, we have shifting..I'll go to work after lunch cause a friend of mine is today's morning shift" 
he answered..

my face lighted up..

"starting today? your a halfday shift only and not whole day?" I excitedly asked..

"no honey, it's just for today.. well he volunteered.. but just for today" 

ughhh..just today..okay I get it..

i was about to tell  him to have us two going out but..he needs to rest.. 

next time maybe..

"anyways Lisa, I haven't asked you about school..how was it? it's I think already a  half year ?" 

"yeah..it's already half a year I… and I already told you ..I have joined the taekwondo and for the school, we're all busy for the intramurals so yeah.." I explained..

"oh.that's nice.. that's nice" he said nodding his head as he sipped his coffee..

"and about the bullys.. are they still bothering you?"

"uhm..glad to say. not any more dad..Maybe th-they're not into being mean anymore?"

"hmm? isn't it weird.. they stopped..?"
dad says as he gave his thinking position..

and hello.. does he mean he wanted me to get bully by them?

"huh..so you want me getting bullied by those?..what a bad father" I jokingly pouted..

"no I mean..come to think of it..they suddenly stopped? did you say or do something to them?"

i suddenly remember the hug.
that was the last time we had interaction and she stopped being a bitch to me..

"uhmm..the last thing happened was I hugged their like leader? then after that ..no bullying happened  " 

i honestly dont know how would dad react about this

"you hugged her..is  that the Jennie Girl?" Dad making an 'hmm..weird" reaction..

stop that.. I know what you think..

"hmm.based from what you told me about what happened, i think you are something for this Jennie girl"


"and what do you mean by that?"

"she might have developing feelings for you" he smiled playfully..


why would dad think that way..he did not even see Jennie in person..

"dad, that's impossible..gosh..you're saying nonsense ." 

my god..

"let's just be happy she stopped being a bad lady.. same to the other students.. don't you want that?"

"of course, I'd like that to happen..and since the war between you and that bullys are done..why not be friends with them..?"

friends..haven't thought of that..maybe I'll try ..

"I'll think about that.. but if they don't like then we're better off as like a strangers"

"but if you do friends with them, I'd like to meet them..i think there is this girl you mention also---Irene right?"

"Okay..okay..whatever you say" I boringly answered..

"or you could introduce one of them as your girlfriend" I heard dad mumbled.. reading his newspaper..

maybe he thought I did not hear it..


sorry for grammatical errors and misspelled words..

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