Everything better now... Isn't it?

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Weeks go by and Duncan hasn't heard from Samantha making him relax way more about telling Courtney.
Since Samantha quit her position at her job things have gotten better for Duncan.

He got a new male secretary thank god. He also got promoted at work. Now he has a higher salary and has more off days and a new position in the firm.

Christmas was good as well they had an amazing time especially when Zeke was asleep they had a blast.

Duncan made sure to get Courtney a different and better lingerie along with getting Courtney presents.

Duncan gave Courtney one of her favorite lotion and perfumes sets from Victoria secret, he also gave her a Michael Kors purse with rhinestones with matching heels. Then he got her a skull teddy bear custom-made. Then he asked Heather and Bridgette to help him pick out clothes for Courtney.

Duncan's eyes practically bulged out of his head and exploded at the cost of all the gifts. All it costed more than $7,000 Duncan sighed if he didn't love her he knew damn well he wouldn't spend this much. She was worth it anyway.

Courtney opened all her presents and loved all of them but Duncan surprised her with one last gift. It was a $200 gift card for target, apple, and her favorite restaurant.

Let's just say this year Duncan definitely wasn't in the dog house and instead was inside of her.

Duncan walked in the door of their room with Courtney by his side. Both of them laughing at what both of them seen at the New Years' party they went to together.

Duncan grinned as he took off his tie and his shoes as Courtney laughed about how both of them were staying home For the next New Years.

"I wouldn't mind at all," Duncan muttered in her ear before putting a light kiss on her neck. Courtney giggled and turned around and kissed him.

Both of them kissed till Duncan's laptop went off showing that he had an email.

Courtney pulled away making Duncan groan.

"Babe ignore it it's my vacation anyways." Duncan pouted.

"Duncan your vacation ended yesterday. You have to go to work tomorrow at 12:30." Courtney rolled her eyes.

"I could always call sick, we can spend the day together?" Duncan proposed with a smirk heading towards the bed to sit on it.

"Yeah no you are going to work I have an important case to work on," Courtney said heading to the bathroom to take off her makeup.

Duncan sighed. Then sighed again this time louder and dramatically when Courtney told him to check the email.

Duncan checked his email and saw a new email from a lxverbabexoxo email. Unfamiliar with the email he clicked on it.

The email said happy new year then a spam of pictures covered his laptop screen. Duncan freaked out as a bunch of pictures of Samantha in a matching lace bra and thong covered the screen. Duncan's mind started racing what if Courtney comes and sees this? What will she think? Duncan immediately started closing the pictures as fast as he could.

Duncan then much to his unluck heard Courtney's footsteps leaving the bathroom she went in front of the room door to put her clothes in the dirty clothes hamper. Duncan's heart started racing as he had 3 pictures left to close and Courtney was coming his way. Just as he closed the last picture Courtney hugged him from behind and kissed his neck like previously did before.

Duncan felt anger and fear run through his mind as he thought about what just happened.

"Who was that? A business deal?" Courtney teased.
"Nope just need to get a new spam blocker." Duncan faked smiled with a strained voice.

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