Reliefs and Baby talk

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Duncan sighed impatiently waiting for Courtney to stop babbling to the babysitter.

"When Zeke starts rubbing his eyes and he's fussy it means that he's tired. And a to make him fall asleep is to give him a bottle. Or you can play Daniel Tiger,  Which is on the PBS kids channel." She said grabbing the remote and turning to channel 10.  The babysitter Cassandra nodded her head.
"Then I'm going to remind y-" Courtney was cut off when Duncan started pulling her to the door.

"Duncan! What are you doing I have to-"   " Babe you literally told her everything twice I don't think she needs a 3rd time. Besides your sister hired her. You know how she is with only the best."  He stopped pulling her to the door looking at her. Courtney rolled her eyes. "Well let me say a few more things," she said turning towards the teenage babysitter.
But Duncan quickly snatched her up and tossed her on his back. " we'll be back at 8" he called out running to the door with Courtney.

"Duncan I swear to- Don't forget his teething toys!" She yelled before Duncan ran outside with his wife on his back.
Casandra chuckled closing the door.

Duncan sat with Courtney at a restaurant called Grilled Movie Diner. It was a restaurant that served all foods with a giant movie screen so you can eat and watch a movie at tables.

Duncan looked at the menu. There wasn't anything he could not afford with his job and Courtney's job, they were more than better off.
He looked up at Courtney who had her eyebrows furrowed concentrating on what she should pick.

That's one thing that Duncan loves about Courtney. She always thinks before she makes decisions. Duncan his whole life didn't really think, he just lived in the moment. till she came into his life everything changed. when Courtney came around things changed and he started thinking.

"Duncan? Hello?" She said looking at him concerned. He snapped out of his thoughts "yeah?" Are you okay she said drinking her lemonade? "You were floating in space for a moment." She said Duncan chuckled. "I said it's nice that we can get a break from Zeke."

"Nice? That's not descriptive enough princess" he said laughing. She rolled her eyes. "you know you like him." She said smiling "well I mean he's okay ." Duncan said nonchalantly.

"Duncan admit it. Whenever you can you spend time with him watching Elmo in grouch land or Regular show." She said with a knowing face.

"I- I only do that cause you to spend a whole day with him! Besides I like a regular show." He said defensively.

"Oh please, you when your home I can't even get one second with him unless your sleep," she said rolling her eyes.

"Well you have to rest too," Duncan said rolling his eyes back to mock Courtney.
"Just admit Zeke rubbed off on you." She said smiling knowingly. Duncan sighed "whatever" he muttered.

"Good evening my name is Emily and I will be your waitress this evening. May I take your order?"she said to Courtney but when she noticed Duncan, she bit her lip.

Duncan smirked at this and looked at Courtney to see her reaction. She looked like she was trying to set Emily on fire. Courtney composes her self quickly.

Can't wait to see how this turns out

"I actually have picked out what I wanted thank you." She said politely.
She turned to Courtney annoyed. "And what would that be?"

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