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⚠️sex scene at the end of chapter⚠️

"Zeke is gone!" Duncan yelled out.

"Oh my god," Courtney said dropping her purse and phone on the ground. She ran upstairs and looked around in the rooms.

"Call the police!" Duncan said to Bailey before joining Courtney in the search.

Courtney went into zekes room and looked around but a gift bag caught her eye. She's never seen that in her house before.

Courtney picked up the bag and grabbed something out.

Just at that moment Duncan jogged into the room to tell her something but stopped when he saw her with a gift.

"What are you..." he trailed off confused.

Courtney pulled out a pink card.

The front of the card said in black and red letters ' I would kill for you' then with a red heart.

Courtney and Duncan stared at it in horror as they opened it and read what was inside.

Inside it said in bold red uppercase letters


Courtney started panicking "we need to find Zeke now!"

"I'm gonna go drive around and see if I see him. He's not in the house" Duncan
rushed before running downstairs.

He ran past Bailey who had tears down her face as she helped the search for Zeke.

Duncan quickly unlock the car door and jumped inside. He didn't bother putting his seatbelt on (A/N: DONT TRY THIS AT HOME). He started the car and looked back to see Zeke sitting in the car seat holding a card. He also had a red kiss mark left on his forehead from her lipstick.

He looked like he was asleep and had a sucked in his hands.

Duncan immediately got up and put the sucker on a napkin and put the card on the seat and took him out of the car seat "Courtney!" He yelled out.

He checked Zeke for any didn't see injuries. He was breathing but wasn't waking up.

Courtney ran out and saw Zeke "oh my god, we need to take him to the hospital now."

Courtney, Duncan, and Bailey waited in the waiting room at the children's hospital.

No matter what they did he wouldn't wake up. He was breathing but didn't wake up.

Courtney anxiously tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair. Duncan sat by Courtney trying to calm her down and Bailey finally stopped crying after reassurance from both of them.

She felt really guilty and stupid. How could she fall for that? She should've called Courtney herself.

"I'm really sorry guys, you can take the money back I'm sorry." She said sadly.

Courtney just shook her head " it's not you're fault and keep the money. Just keep hoping he's okay."

"Mr and miss Salvador?" A female voiced called.

Both turned their heads to see detective carter.

"Carter," Duncan greater along with Courtney.

"We have bad news. Samantha has been missing for 1 month now from her sister's house."

"Wait so you're telling me that bitch has been on the loose for a month and we weren't aware of this till now!" Courtney screeched at the lady.

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