Watch out Duncan

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"Duncan! We have a problem man!" Geoff warned turning Duncan to face the door.

Duncan turned to the door to see Courtney and Bridgette walk in and walk to one of the bars.

You got to be fucking kidding me.

"Make this quick man then we split dude," Geoff said quickly.

Duncan and Geoff faced an amused Samantha who was gleaming and drinking her drink.

Duncan "look do not bring my wife into this. I would never hit a woman in my life but you do anything to my wife I swear to god you'd wish you'd never met me. Better yet Courtney will kick your ass. Stay the fuck away from me and my family." Duncan spat at her.  All she did was smile in return and looked behind Duncan. 

Duncan turned around to see her looking at Courtney and Bridgette walking to a table he felt immediate dread course through his body. "oh my gosh hi Courtney! It's so nice to see you!" Samantha called out sweetly getting Courtney and Bridgette's attention.

Duncan sent a murderous glare to her as Courtney and Bridgette walked up.

Courtney stood closely to Duncan as he put a protective arm around his wife.  "Hi, Samantha it's nice to see you here as well," Courtney said with a tight smile.

"Hi, I'm Bridgette! It's nice to meet you. I presume you work with Geoff and Duncan?" Bridgette said trying to be nice and ease the tension.

" Nice to meet you! And I used to but I transferred firms. " Samantha enlightened her.

"Really? Well, I'm sorry if it was a bad thing but if it was a good thing congratulations!" Bridgette smiled.

"I think it's more like a blessing in disguise," Samantha replied.

"But I met these two here and just wanted to see how are things without me in the firm and stuff." Samantha grinned drinking her martini.

"Yeah, We ran into Samantha here and just wanted to see how it was going." Geoff contributed to Samantha's reply.

"That's nice, well I better get going I can't rely on the babysitter forever." Courtney joked.

Everyone said their goodbyes except for Duncan he just sent her a warning scowl and walked up with Courtney and the others. Once outside they all realized they could just go home since Geoff brought the car and as did Courtney.

Once Courtney and Duncan were in the car Courtney spoke up from the driver's seat "you never told me she transferred." Courtney said curiously.

"Because it wasn't important. Who cares if she transfers." Duncan replied.

Courtney looked slightly appalled at his response cause previously he was so nice to her but now it seems like he hates her. Which made Courtney jump for joy on the inside. God, I'm a horrendous person.

The following day she walked to a doorstep heels clacking against the concrete until she was at the door. She knocked and waited for a reply till she saw none other than mason's answer.

"Samantha! Nice to see you again love." He said stepping aside to let her in.

"Nice to see you too." She smiled walking in

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