A Blessing? Or A Curse?

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A few months later

Duncan's alarm went off blaring that stupid sound Duncan hated. Groaning Duncan hurried up and turned it off before it woke up his wife.

Duncan sighed getting into his morning routine. He always hated this part of the day, when he went to sleep at night, he dreaded the next morning.

But hey at least I woke up this morning.

Duncan turned on the shower, stripped his clothes and stepped in the shower.

Duncan sighed as he felt the steamy hot water made its way on his skin

Duncan often used his time in the shower to think. And right now, hes using his time to think about what's going on in his life.

Like with Courtney, it was weird in a good way but to be honest he's never been happier in his life. Being with her felt like the same as if they were dating but even better because they were married. Plus, they had more and new stuff to do now that they were married. It felt like a fresh breath of air.

Then his job, he helped the police or FBI, IRS and more when they needed help finding someone or looking up information like where they live, social security numbers etc...

But he needed a new secretary, his last one resigned cause she was moving to England with her husband.

He almost forgot Courtney and he agreed to babysit Heather's and Alejandro's baby for their anniversary

Then Duncan realized that his time in the shower is limited. So, he shut the water off and got out of the shower, drying his wet body off.

Wrapping his towel around his waist he stepped out of the bathroom to get dressed for work.

While getting dressed he watched Courtney sleep in the bed peacefully. She looked beautiful.

"Dammit!" He cursed having trouble tying the tie to his suite that his job makes him wear.

"Screw this" he said slamming the tie on the dresser and going to the mirror to comb his hair.

His hair was messy the tips of his hair was green, and everywhere (he didn't have his mohawk its kind of looks like Trent's but with no hair going down the back of his head).

He was honestly surprised that his boss didn't say anything about violating the dress code especially with his piercing. But then again, his boss likes him.

He got some gel and started combing his hair. He needed to get some more hair dye; his hair was starting to fade.


The sound of his second alarm went off "shit" he ran to turn off the alarm, but Courtney beat him to it. She sat up on the bed rubbing her eyes yawning. She looked at him tiredly "Good morning Duncan".

"Good morning baby" he said kissing her forehead.

Courtney got up to put her silk robe on and Duncan couldn't help but stare, she was only wearing underwear.

Once she was done, she walked over to the dresser and grabbed something off the dresser and walked to him. "So, you still can't get it right even after I taught you? "

" my fingers are great for a lot of things " he said smirking at her, she blushed in response.

"But not this." He finishes chuckling. She rolled her eyes smiling and tied his tie for him.


Duncan checked his watch, it was 7:30 he had to be at work by 8:10. Duncan sighed at least he had Trent, Alejandro and Geoff there. Duncan took the last bite of his eggs that Courtney made him, got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

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