The Award And Jealousy .

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Thursday night

Samantha sneered as Duncan and Courtney closed the front door. She had been watching them for 2 days and she was ready to put her plan into action.

Courtney was wearing a gold dress with a slit down the leg with her hair up while Duncan was wearing a matching suit. She didn't know where they were going but she put a tracking device on the car a few days back.

Duncan opened the front door for her before placing a swift kiss on her neck making Courtney laugh.

Samantha however, didn't find it funny at all. Instead, she saw red.

Soon Duncan was driving off and she waited till he was way out of sight before walking to the backyard.

Making sure to check her phone to see if he is still driving far from the house, she continued to the back yard she went up to the back door and squatted down, and began picking the lock.

When it was open she walked around turning her flashlight in the dark house. Walking into the living room, Samantha looked around the new house.  She just chuckled. They thought moving would help them, but it wasn't helping anything in her head. She was there to stay. Soon she saw the stairs and wanted to go to his room.

She went back to the back door and locked it, like how it was before. Samantha then proceeded to walk upstairs till she found their room.

She looked around the room seeing pictures, nice decor and a balcony.

She knew she and Duncan would have amazing sex in here. She couldn't imagine anyone having sex with him. Unfortunately, she knew he was fucking Courtney and that kept her up at night. But in her head, she liked to think that deep down he was thinking about her.

She went into the bathroom to look at the hair products and other hygienic products he used before taking pictures of them.

After she got done she went back into the bedroom. Checking Duncan and Courtney's location she saw that they were still driving.

Putting her phone in her pocket, she looked towards their bed stand and saw a laptop gleaming in the sunlight.

She sat on the bed picked it up and opened it. She squinted at the bright screen trying to adjust to the sudden bright light.

After a moment her eyes adjusted and she saw this was Duncan's laptop.

She smiled. She already knew his password. She hired someone a few months back to hack into Duncan and Courtney's emails and other things. His log-in password to his laptop was one of the many passwords she got from the hacker.

She looked at the camera roll and through other apps. She then saw nudes of Duncan's. She liked what she saw till she realized he sent those to Courtney.

Then she saw Courtney's nudes. Frowning in jealousy and anger she clicked out. She looked through other parts in his laptops before pulling out her phone and connecting her phone to his laptop and sending Duncans and Courtney's nudes to her phone. When she got them she closed the laptop.

Courtney had to have a laptop. She needed it to work.

She carefully looked around for it. Eventually, she found it in the drawer of her nightstand.

Pulling it out she logged into her laptop and proceeded to snoop through her laptop before going to notes. Creating a new one she pinned it before she wrote.

April 19, 2022

I can't do this anymore. The guilt and anger are swirling inside of me. All these emotions are building up. The constant fear of looking behind my back, the insecurity of Duncan secretly liking Samantha, the guilt of what happened to my nephew Zeke, I'm so tired of living. I don't want to be here. I can't do it anymore. I'm sick of people saying I'm this strong woman. But deep down I'm not. I'm broken and I just can't handle it like I used to. I just want to end it. But I'm scared to leave Duncan but I think it's time to put myself first...

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