1 : The school of your dream

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Ayanokouji Pov.

I was on a bus on my way to my new school. I have never once been outside of that 'place' so I don't have a clear idea of how to converse with anyone properly.  So instead of talking to someone of my age I just rather stayed quiet and closed my eyes, waiting for the bus to reach its destination.

As I was fantasizing about my school my thoughts were broken when I heard some angry noise.

???: "Excuse me but shouldn't you be offering your seat to this old woman? It's is only natural since you are sitting in a priority seat".

As soon as I heard that I found that a good-looking blonde-haired person was sitting in the priority seat with a big smirk on his face. In front of him was an old lady who looked like in her mid-70s or 80s. Seemed like she was struggling to stand upright.

Blonde person: "And may I know the reason why I should offer up my seat? There is no legal obligation that I can't sit in the priority seat, you think I should stand up just because I am young. From my perspective, I don't see any difference between priority seating and these regular seats why don't you ask these other jerks to give up their seats ? " he said all this with that same smirk it looked like he didn't feel even a shred of sympathy,  instead he was looking forward to the women's answer.

???: "sigh* excuse me, I am sorry to disturb all of you but can anyone of you give up your seat to this old woman? " she looked at the passengers with pleading eyes. 

I looked around at the passengers and none of them seemed to be willing to offer up their seats. Well if this continues any longer it will surely become somewhat troublesome.....  Well, I might as well avoid trouble for now.

Kiyotaka: " uhhhmmmm..... Excuse me, you can have my seat ." I said while getting out of my seat.

The old woman sat down and thanked me for offering up my seat and the girl for her help as well.

I moved to the back of the bus to avoid unnecessary attention, that was until I saw a strawberry hair girl approach me.

???: " Hey there thanks for offering up your seat there. My name is Honami Ichinose nice to meet you. "

Kiyotaka: " No need to thank me, I am sure that someone else was also about to offer up their seat too,  My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji nice to meet you as well Ichinose. " I replied in my never-changing voice.

Ichinose: " Judging by your uniform it seems that we go to the same school . What class are you in by the way Ayanokoji-Kun ?  " she asked in a sweet voice opposite to mine.

Hmm, she seems like a sociable person I am sure she will have no trouble making friends whichever class she is placed in ...... Although I get the feeling that she might be hiding something......  Ugh, what is wrong with me she just asked my class why am I Analyzing her personality I guess I should just answer her.

Kiyotaka: " I am placed in class B, what about you? " I said

Her expression seemed to change after hearing me say that it almost looked like she was.......  Surprised?

Ichinose: " Wait what!  Really?  What a coincidence I am also placed in class B, well I guess you are my first friend in this school," she said in a happy voice.

Did she just call me a friend? Is it that easy to make friends I was caught off guard by her statement but I somewhat felt a warm sensation I felt a bit happy to make a friend? If I didn't have a poker face right now I would have been grinning like an idiot right now. But then again I can't feel any emotion, to begin with, still, it feels nice to make a friend I guess although I am a bit surprised as to how my first friend is someone of the opposite sex.

Ichinose: "Oh my apologies . It's impolite of me to assume you as my friend ... Sorry if I made you come-" as she was about to complete her statement I interjected in between.

Kiyotaka:  " No don't worry about it, I felt happy you called me as a friend guess you are my first friend as well," I said so in my never-changing voice. 

Ichinose: " Really ? But your but your expressions say otherwise," she said looking a bit puzzled. 

" Yeah you might not be able to tell but i am pretty happy about making a friend a pretty cute one at that it's just I am bad at showing emotions ." I said 

Ichinose: "Ehh hmmm thank you for the compliment and sorry about my previous statement ...... well it seems we have arrived at our destination. Well, then I will see you in class Ayanokoji-Kun." She said so and left the bus well flee would be the correct word here. Did I say something wrong? I wonder why she walked out of the bus so quickly, one more thing I noticed was when she was exiting the bus her cheeks were a little red. Hmm, I wonder why? 

She seemed rather flustered well I will be seeing her soon enough in class anyways. I stepped out of the bus and was now at the entrance of the Advanced Nurturing High School, I took a deep breath and started taking my first steps into the campus, I saw the black-haired girl sitting next to me on the bus standing in front of me.

???: "I saw you looking at me on the bus. Why is that? " She said 

Kiyotaka: " Ah sorry I was looking at the book you were reading it is quite an interesting book isn't it? " 

???: " I see if that's all I will be taking my leave now," she said 

She could have at least answered my question, well leaving that aside I started taking my first steps into the school where I will be spending the next 3 years of my life.



hey ! there everyone i hope you enjoyed this chapter i will continue writing more chapter over the time i will most likely update a chapter once a week if your lucky i might upload 2 chapters well that is if i find the time to actually write these chapters . Well thats it for this chapter pls let me know your opinions i would love to know some plot from you people ... well thats it for now Djdude signing out Bye !

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