13 : Special exam

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Hello there everyone welcome back to yet another chapter ..... I hope that this is not a month late like last time . God i do that a lot , now don't i hahaha.... ha .... if it is a month late well then in my defense i have my finals going on so cut me some slack here .... please ..... Does anyone even read these messages ? W-Well E-enjoy the chapter i guess ? 


Kanzaki Pov : -

I was with Shibata-kun and Ayanokoji-kun that was until we heard the announcement . I knew that this was it ..... a new trial has made its appearance . I looked towards my 2 classmates and both of them had a stern look on their faces .
Well not exactly Ayanokoji-kun ....... cause you know he always has the same...... poker face , but you could feel the air around getting heavy around us .

Shibata : " It is just as you guy's said , we can't let our guard down at all. "I just nodded in response

I pulled out my phone to see the following message 

A special test will begin soon . Please gather at the designated room at the designated time . Anyone who arrives later then ten minutes after start time may be penalized . Please gather in room number 204 on the second deck by 20:40 today . Because it takes about twenty minutes to reach the area, we ask that you please use the restroom now if necessary . Either silence your phone or turn it off , and make your way over . 

Shibata : " Special test huh.... That means this probably isn't going to be a paper test or a physical fitness examination , it could very well be much like the survival test we had on the island ."

Kanzaki : " Yes you are right , and by the looks of it nothing in the message implies what awaits us . " 

I looked towards a certain brown haired boy , and he looked deep in thought . The man in question was none other then Kiyotaka Ayanokoji he is one of the few students who i trust and have the previlage of calling a friend . He is certainly a very sharp and capable individual , i would even call him the trump card that we 'Class A' posses .

Kanzaki : "Is something bugging you Ayanokoji ? " I asked him 

Ayanokoji : " hmm  ? Its nothing just a few things in the message is really weighing on me . They are asking us to gather in the room at at 18:00 , but we only had 20 minutes to get ready and head over , which is an extremely short amount of time . And why is the designated meeting room one of the ship's private room . That certainly won't make for a good exam room by any standards . " 

Kanzaki : " Wait you said 18:00 ? well in my message it has asked me to gather at same room as you but at 20:40 ." 

Shibata : " Yeah it has a different designated room and time for me as well . " Shibata interjected.

Kanzaki : " Huh .... that certainly is interesting so all of us have a different designated location . "

Ayanokoji : " I wonder why they called us in such a strange way . " 

I have a bad feeling about this exam ........

Timeskip: -
Ayanokoji Pov :

I walked to the second deck, just as the message had instructed . I arrived at my destination 5 minutes before the designated time . There were several students wandering the normally deserted level . 

Ayanokoji : " Are those from another class ? " i wondered .

At first , i thought about waiting in front of the entrance but things might have already started inside . More then anything else i didn't want other students to see me , so i decided to act .

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