17 : Back home

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Hello everyone welcome back to another chapter , i hope everyone is doing well . Lets hope i release this chapter on time ...... which is really less likely but hey not all hope is gone cause by the time i am writing this i did fairly well in an exam so i might release it immediately .... fingers crossed . Anyways everyone enjoy the chapter . 


Amikura Pov : -

I was currently seated in a cafe in the cruise ship with the usual crew , there were still a few hours left until we finally reach the school at last . We are currently trying to review the exam that had just concluded last night .... It was a major blow to the class and we are back to being class B again .

Shibata : " So the key to figuring out the VIP's were the surname's of the student's ? " 

Ichinose : " Yeah , that seems to be the case here , Like for example in case of me and Ayanokoji we were assigned the Rabbit group  which is the fourth in the Chinese zodiac , if we arrange the sername's of the student alphabetically , it would be Ayanokoji , Ibuki-san , and then me and Karuizawa-san , and so Karuizawa was the VIP in the rabbit group . " 

Ando : " The answer was right in front of us this entire .... ? " 

Ichinose only nodded to her question . 

Amikura : " If we follow this example in the dragon group the 5th person was Kushida-san , Isn't this really simple to figure out though . "

Kanzaki : " It was that simple however figuring that out in the midst of an exam when all of us were to occupied in trying to figure out the VIP , we didn't think of this . Even if a theory was brought up it would be risky to guess the other classes VIP with this knowledge , if we knew the VIP that belonged to any other class maybe we would have been able to crack the code . " 

Shibata : " True ... and from what i can tell Ryuuen seemed to have purposefully have targeted out class , do you guys think that he had someone from other class tell him their classes VIP to confirm this theory ? " 

Ichinose : " It is most likely possible .... " 

Kanzaki : " We were careless .... we should have been on more conscious that Ryuuen was plotting something behind our backs . "

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became really low as Kanzaki said that .... i mean he is not wrong .

Ichinose : " There is no point in agonizing over this exam anymore , right now what we should be focusing on is what will go down once we reach school . " 

Shibata : " I swear to god if it is another surprise exam , i am gonna loose what is left of my braincells ... " 

Amikura : " Huh surprising i thought he didn't have any . " I said in a voice barely louder then a whisper .

Ichinose : " I don't think the school is that cruel to give another exam as soon as we get back .... probably . " 

Ando : " That's not convincing in the least .... " 

Ichinose : " Come on guys the point gap between class A and class B is pretty less i am sure we can overcome this point difference . " 

Shibata : " Yeah you are right "

During our entire conversation i noticed that Ayanokoji-kun was quiet the  entire time , so i decided to ask him what he was thinking .

Mako : " Hey Ayanokoji-kun , Uhhh you good ? " 

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