12 : A New Trial

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Heyy there everyone welcome back, Now before getting into the chapter I wanna thank all of you like I didn't imagine many people would come back to reading this fiction Xd. So yeah thanks a bunch again ......... Well, that aside I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. ( I didn't plan to release this so late..... )


Ichinose Pov : -

It's been a day since the deserted island exam ended , looking back at it now ..... i can't help but think that quite a lot happened on that island .

I was completely lost in my thought , that was until someone bumped into me . I glanced at the person to apologize , but to my surprise it was actually Shibata-kun , who seemed rather out of breathe , he looked as if he was being chased by someone .

Shibata : " Sorry Ichinose , but i gotta run " he said to me.

Ichinose : " Why is he running though .... ? " I said in a low voice .

Amikura : " That Little - "

Ichinose : " Huh ? "

Amikura : " Oh Honami-chan , Do you have any idea which way Shibata-kun went ? "

........ What did he do though ?

Ichinose : " Uhmm he went that way . " I said pointing in a direction .

Amikura : " ahh i see thanks a bunch . " She said before she also followed down the path .

Ichinose : " Seriously what did he even do though ? " I stood there clueless .

I couldn't help but feel a small smile find its way on my face .
Honestly those two are always full of energy .

i continued on my path until i reached the deck of the ship , where i saw Ayanokoji , it seemed that he was looking for someone .......

I decided to approach him .

Ichinose : " Hello Ayanokoji . "

Ayanokoji : " Oh Ichinose , hello " .

Ichinose : " Is something up ? You look like you are looking for someone . " I said to him .

Ayanokoji : " I indeed am looking for someone actually ."

W-why am i getting an odd sense of déjà vu .........

Ichinose : " Hmm Who ? " i said tilting my head a little .

Ayanokoji : " Do you know where Shibata is ?"

Ichinose : "......."


Ichinose : " I did see him ..... "

Ayanokoji : " Hmm where ? "

Ichinose : " Before i answer that ...... can you tell me , why is everyone after Shibata-kun ? "

Ayanokoji : " Huh ? I don't understand what do you mean by 'everyone' "

Ichinose : " I mean just a few minutes ago , Mako-chan was also ' looking ' for Shibata-kun "

Ayanokoji : " What did he do this time ? "

Ichinose : " I genuinely have no clue , i have been wondering the same thing this entire time ......."

Ayanokoji : " I hope his soul rest in peace . "

Ichinose : " W-what is that supposed to mean ?? " I looked at him with a surprised emotion .

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