10 : A revelation

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Hmm, I can't believe I am uploading this chapter on time ... uhmm I really should be focusing on my exams but you know what it's my free time right now so I will write this chapter anyways. Well, Enjoy the chapter everyone.


??? : " Come on get up , You are not gonna be a perfect product of this experiment if you just give out here . "The man i call as my father said to one of the child fighting against a professional martial artist . 

Wait no , fighting isn't the right word , this is more like a defense training , the trainer here throws punches at the child and they have to evade it , If they are not fast enough well then .... you already know what's going to happen to them.

Despite the child's constant pleas it was all in vain . That man didn't stop the training, the child was coughing up blood his body was badly bruised and it looked like he was going to pass out any second . The other children next to me were already trembling with fear.

5 mins ..... I heard that child cry for 5 mins . And then there was nothing ..... he didn't get up this time around . While the other children were trying to cover their eyes from the horrifying sight i remained motionless . I was not shocked nor was i sad , i think i lost those feeling's long before this programme ever started . 

??? : " It's going to be fine right ? " 

Ayanokoji : " I don't know , it is most likely possible we might not get out of this alive ."

??? : " Jeez it wouldn't kill you to be positive sometimes ............ You should wake up . " 

Wake up ....

Shibata : " Wake Up already mannn . " I woke up to see Shibata trying to wake me up .

Ayanokoji : " You don't need to yell i am already up . " 

Shibata : " Finally , took you long enough , Its very unlikely for you to stay in bed this late .... Is everything okay ? " He asked me in a concerned voice .

Ayanokoji : " Yeah everything is fine Shibata. Don't worry . " I said to him.

Shibata : " Well ohkay , but like if you ever need help you can count on me , afterall we are friends . " He said to me with a bright smile.

Friends huh ? ..... Where does the definition of friend even lie , more then acquaintances  ? In the end each one of the students here will choose a different road in life .

Shibata : " Hey you coming or not ? " he said to me from outside the tent.

I went outside only to find out that everyone was still as optimistic as yesterday .

Shibata : " Hey ayanokoji do you wanna like go and get some fruits with me . "

Ayanokoji : " Although i would prefer not to waste any energy , but knowing you, i don't exactly get a choice . " I said to him .

Shibata : " You got that right . Well then onwards we go ."

Amikura : " Hey where are you two going ?"

Shibata : " We were planning to go and look for some fruits ofcourse . "

Amikura : "Ohhh okay mind if I join you guys ? "

Shibata : " Not at all . "

Somewhere else on the island

Horikita Pov :-

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