Love Is Easy To Catch

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8 mouths later
Ally's POV
I'm sleeping with my wonderful boyfriend and I feel uncomfortable every time I sit or lay down. I woke up with pain that I never get. I woke Andy and Alex ran in my room and he tried to help me get down the stairs. My mom started the car and we all drive to the hospital.

Hour later

Andy's POV
I'm worried about Ally and the baby. The doctor came out and he went up to me. "You have a baby girl. Congratulations." He reply. "Can I see Ally?" I asked. The doctor nodded and he leads me, Alex, and May to Ally's room. I saw Ally sleeping and her smiling for joy. I walked in the room and I hopped in bed with my wonderful girlfriend. Alex and May did the same as me. I got her right shoulder. Alex got her waist and May got her other shoulder.

The next morning

Ally's POV
I woke up and I see my boyfriend, my brother, and my best friend sleeping with me and making sure that I'm okay. I'm crying and smiling with joy. I moved left arm and May woke up. "I'm sorry that I wake you up." I reply. "You're okay Ally and I'm happy for you." She cried. I hugged her and I lay on her shoulder. I watched Andy and Alex woke up and they hugged me. Andy came up to me and he kiss me on my lips. A nurse walked in the room and she hand me my baby girl. Everyone went silent and they all cried. "She looks like her mom." May reply and hugged Ally. "She's so beautiful just like her mom." Andy reply and then looked at Ally. I kissed him on his cheek. "She's my little niece." Alex and May shouted. I gave the baby to Andy and he's starting to cry. "I was thinking that her name should be Kara." I reply. Andy nodded and looked at me. Andy gave May the little Kara. Andy starts laying with me and he looked at me. "I love you so much and I'm so happy that we have our little Kara. I love her too." Andy whispers in my ear.

Week later

Andy's POV
We just got home and we can take our baby girl home with us. I helped Ally with the baby supplies. I open a room right next to Ally's room and I love it so much. "Yea I call my dad's closes friends and they did it for us." Ally reply. "Awwww how nice." Andy reply. I watch Ally put Kara in her crib and then she walked slowly out of the room and she turned off the lights. Alex ran up the stairs and he checks on Kara. May walked up the stairs. "Are you tired Ally? Because I am." May asked. "Yea let's take a nap May." Ally yawned. "I'll play with Alex and I'll sleep on the couch." I reply. "Okay goodnight my boo." She reply and kiss my lips.

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