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The next morning

Ally's POV
I woke up by the sound of baby's crying. I walked over to Kara's crib and I rocked her intel she stops crying. May came in the room and patted my back. "Are you okay Ally?" May asked. "Yes I just got burned and it hurts." I reply with a weak voice. May lift up my shirt and she saw my skin is red and the skin peals. "How did you get this?" May asked. "I don't know how I got it." I reply. I quickly tried to change Kara's diapers, but May rooked care of it. May helped me get on my bed and she woke up Andy from his nightmare. Andy ran upstairs and he tooked off my shirt. i looked into Andy's eyes and I can tell he's really mad. I looked at May and she came to me and she hugs me. I hugged her back and I cried. Alex came in the room and he looks at my back. "What happened to your back?" Alex asked. "I don't know Alex. Can you please go back to bed it's late?" I asked. "No I want to help you." Alex reply. "Okay." I reply. I lay down on my stomach and the burns hurts really bad. Andy touch the burned mark and cried. May ran down stairs and grabbed a cold clothe. Andy puts his face close to mines while May puts the clothe on the burn. May puts burned cream on it and then she bandage it. May helped me get up and also helps me down the stairs. I turned on the tv show and Andy let's me sit on his lap. I leaned and Andy gave me a bear hug. I slept on his shoulder and he watched me sleeping.

Andy's POV
It's 3 in the morning and I'm trying to figure out how Ally got that burned. "You need some sleep Andy." Alex reply. "No I'm good I'll sleep when Ally is awake." I reply. "Okay. Goodnight Andy." Alex reply. "Goodnight." I respond back.

*While thinking in his mind*
I love her so much that I hate to see her cry. I'll never trade her with anything or anyone else. I love my new baby girl and I treat her and Ally like they are the most important people in my life. I will kill the person who did this to her and when I get out of school tomorrow. I'll propose to her and we can be a happy family together forever.

*Out of his mind*
"Andy???" Ally reply. "Yes?" I asked. "Never leave me alone okay?" Ally reply. "I won't." I answered back. "Promise?" Ally asked. "I promise." I reply. I closed my eyes and we both fall asleep together.

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