Let Me Love You

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3 weeks later

Ally's POV

I fully got my memory back, but i don't remember somethings. May went up to me and she told me i had sex with Andy, but i don't remember that at all. Im freaking out because what happened if im pregnant again. I went downstairs for breakfast, but then i feel dizzy and i also feel like im going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and I threw up. I look through the whole bathroom for the pregnancy test. I ran upstairs and i found the text right next to the toilet. I wait for a couple of minutes for the results. I heard the test go off and the sign is positive. "Damn it." I cried. I heard a knock and it was May. I hide the test behind my back. "What happened? Are you okay?" She asked. "Yea I'm fine." I reply. "What do you have behind your back?" She asked, then she grabbed the test out of my hands. "I'm sorry." I cried and then tears went down my cheeks. "Why are you apologizing for? You didn't do anything wrong." She reply. "I know." I reply. "Can you please relax?" She asked. "How can i relax?" I screamed.

May's POV

I try to help her, but she's to upset. I walked up to her very slowly. She steps back until she hit the wall. She covers her face with her hands. I hugged her and she cried. I rub her back and then she fell to the ground. I follow her to the ground and she cried on my shoulder. "I know your upset." I reply. "I don't remember having sex." She cried. "You have all your memories back, but not all of it." I reply calmly into her ear. "I'll tell Andy later." She reply. "Do you want to lay on the bed?" I asked. "Sure, but can you stay with me?" She asked. "Sure anything for my best friend." I reply while i rub her back. I got up and she follow me to her bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and i put the covers over her. "Do you want anything?" I asked. "Yea, but your staying here." She responded. I heard a door knock it was Alex and Drew. "Drew what's up with your clothes that you are wearing." I screamed. "What i have a wedgie and it's like wearing shoe laces for underwear." He reply while holding his ball sack. "Run!!!!! He wants to be a stripper." Alex screamed. "Excuse me I'm going to hump my doll." Drew reply while taking everything off. Alex ran and jumped on the bed and he hugged Ally. "Alex i want to tell you something." I reply. "What???" He asked. "Ally is pregnant." I cried. "YAY I'm happy for you Ally." He reply while hugging Ally. "Yea im happy too." She cried. I rub her back. "Do you want anything?" He asked. "Can you get me something to eat?" She asked. "Ill be right back." He reply.

I sat by her feet and she's staring into space. "Don't get down on yourself." I reply. "I'm not im trying to think." She reply while looking at me. I turn on the t.v. and i sat down right next to her. She turned and tears went down on her cheeks. "I know." I reply while i rub her back. Alex came in with food for Ally. Ally got up and she ate all the food off the plate. I grabbed the plate and i gave it to Alex. She looked at me and then she cries. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Do you want to go sleep?" I asked. She nodded. I cover up myself and then i cover Ally up. I watch Ally close her eyes. I went to sleep.

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