Freaking Out

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Andy's POV

I tried going to sleep and it's really hard to try. I cuddle Kara all night and i felt different without Ally. I tried to hold my tears, but they keep coming out. It's 6 a.m. and i heard May ran out of Ally's room. "What happened?" I asked. "Alice is coming over and help us fine Ally." She reply while crying. "We haven't talked to her in a while." I reply. "Yea i know." She reply.

*Knock* *Knock*

I walked up to the door and i open the door. Its was Alice i called Alex. "Alice is that you?" He asked. "Yea OMFG I'm happy to see you." She reply while hugging Alex.
I looked at Alice with a sad face. "I know where Ally is because Michael told me and this guy named Jordan kidnapped her. They are doing test on her." She reply. "Is there away to get her back." I reply. "Yes follow me." She reply.

2 Hours Later

May's POV

We arrived at the place where Ally is locked in. I freak out because i want to make sure my best friend is not in danger. Alice showed us the way to go through the place and tells us secret codes. We walked to the doors and we used codes to open doors. We got up to the last floor and we saw Ally on a chair. I saw her hands and ankles tied. We opened the door and Alex put his arms out to stopped us. "It's a trap."
He reply. He spray this chemical and then red lines came up. "I knew Jordan is going to do this." He reply. He looks and he saw the switch to turned the red lines off.

Alex's POV

I walked to the switch and i pulled it down. I turned and i saw the lines disappear. I walked very slowly to Ally and i tried to wake her up. I untied her hands and ankles. I guide her and i help her walking. I gave her to Andy so he can pick her up. We ran out the building and we rushed her to the hospital.

3 Hours Later

May's POV

I'm in the waiting room freaking out. The doctors came out and they talk to me. I had a relief feel and I feel sad. I told Andy and he had a sadness on his face. I walked into the hall and i walked into her room. "Hi Ally were your friends and we're taking you home." I reply. "Okay. What are your guy's names?" She reply. "Im May your best friend, this is your bother Alex, this is Drew and Alice, and this is Andy." I reply. "Oh you guy's seem samiler." She reply. "Anyway do you want to go home?" I asked. "Sure." She reply. As we walked to the car and she paused when she sees Kara. "You guys have a baby?" She asked. "Yea we found her." Alex reply. "Awwww poor thing." She reply and she plays with Kara fingers. I helped her get into the car and she starts crying. I tried to cheer her up and making her happy.

Ally's POV

I acted like i know these people and i tried to think really hard. We got to the house and it looks samiler. I walked into a room that looks like a living room. I sat on the couch and i ponder the things that happen today. While i was pondering i saw Andy came from my left and sit next to me. I looked him in the eyes and he looked me in the eyes. I get this wired feeling in my gut that we are in a relationship. He starts getting closer to me and I'm blushing really hard. I grabbed his hand and he hold it. I got feels and they are like needles stabbing me in my gut. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he leans and he laies on my shoulder. I felt my heart pounding and my gut full of feels. I kissed his cheek and he kissed me back. I felt him putting his arms around me and i moved really close to him. I kissed him on his lips and he kissed me back. "I got you your pills and it's going to help you." He reply. "Can i take one?" I asked. "Sure." He reply. We got up and he gave me my pill. I tooked the pill and i felt a little drowsy.

Andy's POV

I picked her up and i put her on her bed. "May those pills are going to help her with her memory. Make sure you stay with her." I reply. "Sure ill stay with her." She reply.

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