Chapter 11

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Willow waved cheerfully at Giles as she entered the library on Tuesday morning, her bag slung over her shoulder and she plopped into her usual seat and turned on the computer. Giles rubbed his eyes wearily and sipped his morning cup of tea.

"Good morning Willow, how was your night?"

"Vamp free and very productive as far as homework goes. How was yours?"

"Mostly, very relaxing, although I am slightly worried about this lull in threats we've been facing lately."

"Buffy said this morning that she hadn't notice a change in the number of vampires she was staking every night on patrol, why are you so worried?"

"It just seems that we are overdue for our latest, er, fiasco and it, to borrow your abomination of the English language, is giving me a Wiggins."

"Well I'm personally not complaining, I'm still getting demon guts off my favourite pair of shoes." Buffy said as she walked into the library, followed by Cordelia and Xander.

"Hey guys" Willow greeted as she logged onto her email account.

"Hey Willster, what are you looking up so early in the morning. The latest big bad?"

"Nope, just checking if I have any emails from Agent Booth. And I do. What's it going to say?"

Willow clicked and waited for the email to load. The rest of the Scooby gang made themselves comfortable at the table, chatting about their own evening. Xander and Cordelia had gone to the movies together, and Buffy had met up with Angel at his house and gone patrolling for a few hours, before she'd returned home and done homework with Willow, and then gone to bed.

Their idle conversation was disrupted, however, when Willow gave an excited squeal.

"Oh my God,"

'What's wrong Wills" Xander asked worriedly.

"I have a Dad" Willow squealed, her green eyes lit up with excitement, "The DNA test I sent came back as positive to his. Special Agent Seeley Booth is my Dad."

"That's great Willow," Buffy gushed, hugging Willow tightly.

"Buffy, oxygen is good," Willow panted.

"Oh, Sorry Wills," Buffy sheepishly let go.

"It's okay," Willow grinned, then her face fell. She was going to have to tell the others about the uncanny resemblance between her dad and Angel. This was going to be so much fun. Not.

"What's wrong, isn't you having a dad a good thing?" Buffy asked. Willow nodded enthusiastically.

"It is, its just, well, he kind of looks freakishly like Angel. I mean, they're not identical, my dad looks about ten years older, even though, you know, he can't be, because Angel's a vampire, but they look a lot alike." Willow babbled quickly, getting into Agent Booth's file and opening up the photo. There was a stunned silence as the Scoobies looked over her shoulder, Willow could practically hear the other's jaws hitting the ground. Giles was polishing his glasses furiously, while Xander, Cordelia, and Buffy looked gobsmacked.

"Someone please say something?" Willow quietly asked.

"Well, you did say the resemblance was, as you say, freakish." Giles managed, before re recommenced polishing his glasses.

"So, this guy that looks freakishly like Angel is your dad? Hey, imagine if Angel was, like, your great great great great grandfather." Cordelia laughed at the thought.

"I doubt it; Angel never mentioned having a kid while he was human, but still, ew. If Angel and I get married, that would make me your Step great great great great grandmother." Buffy shuddered.

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