Chapter 33

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Willow had come to the conclusion that she now understood what was meant when it was said that someone felt like a child on Christmas morning. She didn't know where to go and she felt excitement burning in her gut, barely repressing the urge to jump up and down in excitement.

Booth was still caught up in the case and Dr. Brennan had decided that she was not in need of Zach for the day, so Booth had tasked Zach with the job of showing Willow around the Jeffersonian for the day, but not before he had been given a lengthy lecture that involved a fair bit of Booth threatening to shoot Zach. Zach was still recovering from the shakes when they finally left the lab fifteen minutes later.

"Is he that likely to shoot you?" Willow asked as they walked away from the platform.

Zach nodded. "I have observed through my studies that in almost all cultures, fathers are very protective of their offspring. Modern western culture is no exception. Booth has shown that he cares for you and Parker quite a bit and I do not doubt that he would kill anyone who harmed either of you."

Willow paused. "I suppose you are right. I'm not used to having a dad that is that... devoted to my health and safety. Ira cared, well more than my mom anyway, but I can never imagine him killing or even threatening to shoot someone who could potentially hurt me."

"Honestly, I cannot imagine my father doing something like that either," Zach admitted. "Maybe when I was very young, but not in my memory. My father favored my older brothers and sisters, he didn't understand me. My mother doted on me though, she is very proud of everything I have accomplished. I'm sorry that you feel that your mother didn't care for you."

"I'm sorry that you feel that your dad didn't care for you," Willow said. Zach smiled at her before leading her out of the lab doors to their first destination.

Booth watched the retreating backs of the pair, the rest of the squints beside them.

"They are going to have so much fun today." Angela beamed. The others all looked at her in surprise, except for Hodgins, who was nodding.

"She's right, he'll be thrilled because he gets to talk about all the science stuff, and she'll soak up everything like a sponge. Face it Booth, your daughter's gonna grow up to be a squint of some sort."

"I think it's good for them both. Zach's a lot closer to her in age than the rest of us, it'll be good for her to spend time with him, since she probably misses her friends a bit," Cam added.

Booth shrugged, not really caring. Despite his threats, he trusted Zach to look after Willow, and to protect her. As long as Willow was happy and Zach didn't mind showing her around, then Booth was content with the situation.

And, well, Zach had seemed a little off ever since he'd come back from Iraq. Maybe a day out of the lab just being able to relax and talk about something he loved with no pressure would do the youngest squint some good.

Despite the widely held belief, Booth actually didn't mind the guy.


Willow and Zach were almost bouncing when they returned to the lab at five o'clock, their designated time that they had to be back. Booth only had to take one look at the pair to know that he'd made the right decision. The youngest squint and his daughter were smiling happily, both looking relaxed and content.

"Hey, kiddies, did you have a fun day?" Hodgins asked as they approached the main platform, coming down the steps to meet the pair, since strictly speaking Willow wasn't supposed to be up on the platform.

"It was very enjoyable. It is not very often that I get to show someone around the Jeffersonian who shares my interest in science and technology," Zach said. Willow blushed at the compliment.

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