Chapter 50- Epilogue

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Willow glanced sideways at Parker before returning her focus to the road in front of her. Both she and her younger brother had identical grins drawn across their faces. Parker was almost bouncing in his seat in excitement and it was only because she was driving that Willow was keeping a lid on her excitement. If something happened and she crashed the car, Willow knew she would never forgive herself.

Willow's thoughts drifted to the reason why she and Parker were driving through D.C. Willow's flight from Boston had landed an hour ago and she had picked Parker up from his home and now they were heading towards their father's new home. The home he shared with Dr. Brennan.

And, as of now, their little sister.

"Do you think that Dad and Dr. Bones are going to get married now?" Parker asked. Willow glanced at Parker. It was hard to believe that her little brother was ten years old now. He'd always seemed so young but he had grown so much since they had first met... Willow was certain that within the next five years Parker was going to be taller than her.

The irony of the situation had not been lost on Willow and the Jeffersonian team. It had been Zach who had first commented on the fact there was a ten-year age gap between Willow and Parker and now a ten-year age gap between Parker and the newest member of the Booth family. Willow put it down to an amusing coincidence.

"I don't know, Parker," Willow said, remembering to answer her brother's question. "Maybe not right away... I don't think Dr. Brennan likes the whole idea of getting married but maybe, one day, they'll get married."

Parker nodded, satisfied with Willow's answer. They fell into a comfortable silence as Willow drove, both of them thinking about their new sister. Willow let out a sigh of relief when she parked her car outside her father's new home. She hadn't been there before, so she had been going of the scrap of paper she'd written the address on and Dr. Hodgins directions. She cut the power to the engine and undid her seatbelt. Parker, however, sat motionless.

"Do you think she'll like me?' he said in a small voice.

Willow froze. "Huh?" she asked.

"The baby... do you think she'll like me?"

"Parker," Willow smiled, reaching out and putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "the day I met you I was asking myself the exact same question. I had no idea how to be a sister and I was scared that you would hate me for somehow taking dad away from you. And then I met you and everything was perfect. You are the sweetest, kindest, friendliest little boy I know. You're clever and you can kick my butt at soccer any day you want. And you... you showed me that you didn't care that I might have been making you share Dad or whatever, you took one look at me, and you liked me... and that remains to be one of the best moments of my life."

"Really?" Parker asked. Willow just nodded and Parker impulsively leaned across the car and hugged her.

"You're going to be the best big brother ever, Parker, and I know that the baby is going to love you just as much as I do."

Parker smiled before leaning back, running his fingers through his hair.

"Come on," she said, giving his arm a gentle prod, "before the surprise gets blown."

Willow and Parker got out of the car quietly, taking care to close the car doors quietly. Booth didn't know that they were coming to the baby's Welcome Home party. They'd both been invited, of course, but it had been Angela's idea to surprise Booth and Brennan. A few quick emails later, Willow had told Booth that she was busy with college papers and was pulling all-nighters and Rebecca had told Booth that Parker was away on soccer camp (which was actually the following week).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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