Chapter 34

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Willow jerked awake as she heard something vibrate on the bedside table, rattling against the clock. She peered blearily at the digital display on the clock. Six o'clock. Willow scowled, before picking up the phone and answering the phone, sleepily muffling her yawn.

"Good morning?"

"Willow, I hope I have not woken you?"

"Giles? Shouldn't you be asleep? It's, like, three o'clock in the morning in Sunnydale."

"Oh, you are right; I hadn't even realized how late it was. I was rather preoccupied reading up on demons that would inflict the wounds you described to me."

"Oh, did you find anything?" Willow asked, watching the bottom of her door to ensure that a light hadn't come on, indicating that her dad had been woken up. It looked like he'd slept through the noise of her phone going off though, much to Willow's relief.

"Yes, actually," Giles said enthusiastically. "The demon you described is a rare variety, distantly related to vampires. Born, or rather hatched in its own form, the demon hunts in dark areas for its prey, usually smaller animals like rats, cats, and dogs or in rural areas sheep, pigs, chickens, and cows before it bites them. The demon's venom causes paralysis, allowing it to drain its victims of blood without having to deal with the victim struggling. It is unusual for one of these demons to attack a human, although it has been known to happen when the opportunity presents itself. Was there evidence of the victim having consumed a high level of alcohol prior to being killed?"

"I don't think so, but it was mentioned that he was found in an alleyway attached to a bar, so it's possible," Willow ventured.

"Not to worry. These demons are not very violent and are not strong fighters, which is why they tend to avoid humans and stick to killing small animals. I have a colleague that lives not far from the capitol that will easily be able to hunt and kill the creature. Thank you for informing me of the situation though, Willow. I understand it must have been very frightening to face a killing such as that so far from Sunnydale. At least here it is expected."

"It wasn't frightening but it was a little thought-provoking. It made me realize that I'm never really going to be able to let go of what I've seen and lived through in Sunnydale."

"Yes, unfortunately. Once you enter this lifestyle, it is rather hard to leave it behind. Anyway, I shall contact my friend, then go to bed. I had honestly not realized how late it was. I'll let you go back to bed. I'll probably speak to you later today or tomorrow when you and Xander catch up."

"All right, Giles, good night." Willow smiled before hanging up and flopping back down onto her pillow with a sigh. Knowing that the demon problem was being taken care of, she felt a sense of relief wash over her and she gradually dozed back off.


It was late in the morning when Willow woke up again, realizing with a pang that it was Christmas Eve (a thought that had evaded her earlier during Giles' phone call due to her sleepiness). Smiling, she showered and got dressed in warm clothes before making herself some brunch as she read the note her father had left her.

'Willow, you looked pretty tired last night, so I though I'd let you sleep in and have the day to yourself. If you need me for whatever reason, you can call my cell phone.


Willow smiled as she read the note before she cleaned the table, washing the dishes she had used during her breakfast before sitting back down on the couch, contemplating what she could do. A sudden thought crossed her mind, sending her hurrying to her room, fishing a notebook and a pen out of her bag before returning to the couch and writing out a list on the paper.

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