Chapter 30

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Willow stiffened as she woke up, not expecting to feel the warm... somebody lying curled up beside her in the bed. It took her a moment to remember where she was and that it was just Parker lying next to her, because he'd been scared of the storm and had gone to see if she'd needed protection. It was a very sweet gesture and Willow was touched by it.

She glanced at her clock and concluded that it was time for her to get up. She was going to make her chocolate pancakes for Parker and she wasn't sure what else Booth had planned for the day.

Willow climbed out from under the covers, wincing as Parker stirred before falling back asleep. She quickly slipped out of the room, not wanting to disturb her younger brother, before heading to the bathroom. She noticed as she left the bathroom, having done what was needed, that Booth was already up, wearing a long dressing gown over his pajamas.

"Hey, you have a good night's sleep?" Booth asked. Willow smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I had a visitor during the night. I don't think Parker liked the storm, so he came into my room to check if I was alright and he wanted to sleep in with me so he could protect me from the storm." Willow smiled. Booth laughed softly.

"When it's stormy like that, he usually comes in to sleep with me. It was nice that he went to you, it shows that he trusts you."

Willow smiled to herself, having not thought of it in that way. Naturally, you were at your most vulnerable when you were sleeping, so Parker trusting her by sleeping beside her, after having only known her for less than a day, was an indication of how much he trusted her to look out for him already.

"So, are we having chocolate pancakes for breakfast?" Willow asked. Booth smiled, nodding.

"Parker asked me yesterday if we could have them, if that's okay with you."

Willow nodded and began to get everything she needed to make the pancakes together but didn't do anything else, wanting to wait until Parker was up until she started.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Willow asked as she sat down at the dining room table. Booth smiled.

"This morning I was thinking we could all go out and get a Christmas tree and then we'll bring it back here and decorate it, since Parker won't be back until Christmas day. Depending on what time it is, I was thinking we might go and visit Pops before we take Parker back to Rebecca's house."

Willow nodded. "Sounds good." She smiled before she picked up a newspaper that had been left lying around and began to flick through it.

It wasn't long after that that Parker emerged from Willow's room, tousle haired and smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, Parker, did you have a good sleep?" Booth smiled, hugging the little boy and ruffling his blonde curls. Parker smiled.

"I looked after Willow for you, Daddy, during the big storm that was outside." He smiled. Booth laughed.

"I'm sure you did, Parker."

"I know he did, I felt so looked after and protected when he was with me," Willow defended playfully. "Isn't that right, Parker? And you did such a good job, I'm going to do what all the girls do for their heroes."

Parker scrunched up his nose. "Give me an icky kiss?" he gagged. Willow laughed.

"No, silly, make them lots of chocolate pancakes."

Parker beamed. "Can I help?"

Willow shrugged. "Sure. We'll go wash our hands and then we can get started."

Parker sped off in the direction of the bathroom while Willow followed at a more sedate pace. Hands clean, Willow led Parker into the kitchen, relieved that Booth had moved a chair into the kitchen for Parker to stand on.

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