Chapter 32

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Willow focused on the screen in front of her eyes, having used Angela's computer to log into her own email account. She didn't have any emails from the gang (which she kind of expected, as none of them, except for Oz, were overly computer literate), so she opened up a new message box and began to type.

'To Xander, Buffy, Giles, Angel, Oz, Jenny and Cordy:

Sorry I haven't emailed before now but I've been busy. Washington D.C. has been great. It's so beautiful here and I've seen all the famous monuments they talk about in history class. There is a little bit of snow around but my dad has told me that we're expected to have some more late next week, which will be fun.

I've met my dad's work colleague and they're all really nice. I got invited to the Jeffersonian Christmas party and I spent the whole time talking to them about science and other stuff. It was really interesting. I met my mom's best friend too (because she works at the lab too). Apparently, I am a lot like my mom, which I thought was really exciting.

Angela, one of the people who work at the lab (she does facial reconstructions based on skulls) is letting me use her computer to send this because Special Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan and the others are all out on a case and I got left at the lab (it's a bit weird, like Night At the Museum, without everything coming to life, because that would be scary with all the skeletons walking around). They should be back soon though. Angela's really funny and she has the coolest setup in the lab with computers and a holographic machine that's let her run scenarios of how people died. (I haven't checked to see wether barbeque fork injury to the neck is there yet, though).

Dr. Hodgins is a conspiracy theorist by hobby. He's actually a 'bugs and dirt' guy. (I would put the scientific name here but I think Giles would be the only one who understood what I was talking about, no offense.) He thinks I'm super cool because of what I can do with the computers, even though it might be a touch bad... The whole team kind of knows what I did though and nothing's been said about me getting arrested (thankfully).

Zach is Dr. Brennan's assistant, or at least he was. He's really cool and sweet and nice and friendly and he's really... really smart, even though he's socially not so good, like me, and he kind of babbles with scientific talk but that's okay, because I can sort of understand what he's saying, thanks to me studying college biology textbooks because of that thing we were researching a few months back.

Dr. Brennan is very friendly as well. I can tell that she means a lot to Booth but I don't know if that's just because their work partners or if they're... you know "partners" in the romantic sense. I don't really mind either way because I think she cares a bit about him too. She's very serious about their work and she tends to talk about work things even when she's not at work. (Which Booth doesn't like, because it tends to be when she's around me and he tries to protect me from all the bodies and gruesome details even though Angela and Dr. Hodgins know about me finding those guys' bodies last summer).

Dr. Sweets is a psychologist that works with the team, even though he's based at the FBI with Booth and not at the lab. He's pretty young, about 24 or 25. (Zach's a little younger, he's only just turned 23.)

Anyway, so that was on Friday night and then yesterday, I got to meet my little brother. MY LITTLE BROTHER!

Sorry, just a tad excited by that.

Anyway, he's just as cute in real life as his picture is. All big brown eyes and blonde ringlets. He gave me a framed picture of himself and Dad and me that he'd drawn and a bauble with my name on it, a special decoration that was mine that I could put on the Christmas tree. Booth, Parker and I went to a playground and Parker and I played tag before we went home and Booth made us hot chocolate and we watched some movies. Then my uncle came around.

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