Chapter 19

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The next day at school found Willow in the library during her lunchtime, along with Buffy, Xander and Cordelia. There was not much happening on the demonic front at that particular point in time, except for Buffy's continued patrols of the cemeteries, so they simply flicked through books looking for anything interesting.

"Oh," Buffy said, thumping her heavy book onto the library table loudly. "My mom wanted to know if you guys wanted to come for dinner tonight."

"Er, Buffy, my dad's visiting," Willow gently reminded Buffy.

"She said to bring him. She wants to meet him."

"Sounds fun." Xander shrugged. He loved eating dinner at the Summers' house.

"I'm game, I guess. The Bronze is so dead on Tuesdays anyway," Cordelia added.

"Giles, are you going to come?" Buffy asked her watcher, who was in his office. Giles poked his head out the door.

"Oh, no. I'm afraid I've got some things to look at."

"Alright then."

"Oh, at some point, we should introduce my dad and Angel before my dad leaves town."

"I so want to be there when that happens." Xander grinned. Cordelia nodded.

"I have to admit, it would be entertaining and we so won't be able to tell who is who unless Angel goes grr."

"Whoa, there is not going to be any Angel going grr in front of my dad. He'd freak out. Besides, my dad dresses way differently than Angel and you can tell the difference between them. My dad is more tanned and he has smile lines and he's not as, you know... broody," Willow said.

Buffy nodded. "I've gotta say, I agree with Willow on that one. We should do it tonight."

"How's your mom going to handle it?"

"Oh yeah, that might take explaining and she might not be so... overjoyed by Willow finding her real dad if he looks a lot like Angel, since she doesn't really like Angel."

"It proves she has good taste," Xander said, only to be smacked in the arms by the three teenaged girls he sat with.

"Ow." He winced, rubbing the sore spots, particularly the one where Buffy had hit him.

"You kind of deserved it, Xander," Cordelia said. The bell chose that moment to sound and the four teenagers groaned, before picking up their bags and trudging out of the library, waving at Giles in farewell, before they headed off to face an afternoon of academic torture.


Willow smiled when she spotted Booth once again waiting for her outside school. She hurried over to him, her bag slung over her shoulder. Buffy was staying behind to do some training with Giles and Xander and Cordy were off doing couple-ish things together.

"Hi," she said as she reached Booth's side. Booth smiled at her.

"Hi, did you have a good day?"

Willow shrugged. "It was good. Buffy's mom has invited us over to dinner."

"That was nice of her," Booth said, not quite knowing what else to say.

"Yeah, all of us except for Giles and Ms. Calendar are going to be there. Giles had something else on and it would have been a little weird for Ms. Calendar to have been there without Giles."

"Are they together or something?" Booth grinned. Willow smiled in response.

"Finally. They've been dancing around each other ever since, um, probably April. It's still kind of a new thing though. Buffy doesn't know Ms. Calendar as well as she knows Giles, because Giles is the teacher of the study group we're all in, and Buffy's never actually had Ms. Calendar as a teacher. For Buffy, she's always been Giles's kind of girlfriend."

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