Chapter 22

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The rest of the week leading up to Thanksgiving was busy, with a demon arriving in town with plans of world domination that needed Willow's attention. In between school, researching the demon and how to kill it, and helping Buffy and Xander with their homework, Willow didn't have the time to reply to the email she received from her father upon his return to work, except for a short reply where she gave him her phone numbers, both her mobile and Buffy's home phone number, so he could call her over the weekend.

The demon was finally defeated, felled by a well-aimed crossbow bolt to its single eye by Buffy. The group had gone to the Bronze for the traditional post-slayage partying before Buffy and Willow walked back to Buffy's house wearily. It had been a long week and they were both looking forwards to the Thanksgiving long weekend.

"Three days of no school when we can relax, sleep, and eat lots of yummy food." Buffy smiled as she collapsed onto her bed. Willow flopped down beside her.

"Tell me about it. Even the thought of studying makes me feel tired right now."

Buffy laughed. "Stop, Willow. You not wanting to study is an sign of the apocalypse."

Willow giggled quietly. "I'm not that bad."

Buffy looked across at her best friend with a skeptical look. Willow smiled sheepishly.

"Well, okay, maybe I am that bad," she conceded. Buffy laughed.

"We wouldn't have you any other way, Willow," she said, throwing an arm over her best friend and pulling her close in a tight hug. Willow gasped.

"Buffy... can't breathe."

"Sorry," Buffy apologised, loosening her grip. Willow sighed in relief.

"Thank you."

"No problem. I think it might be time for all good little slayers and hackers to be in bed."

Willow laughed, before breaking off into a wide yawn. "I agree." She giggled before sliding wearily off Buffy's bed.

'Goodnight, Buffy." Willow waved as she headed off towards her own room.

"Night, Willow," Buffy said as she got up to go to the bathroom.


It was Saturday afternoon when the ringing of the phone disturbed Buffy and Willow as they chatted. Willow was doing her homework and Buffy was flicking through a magazine. Both girls heard Joyce answer the phone in the kitchen, so they knew they didn't need to try and answer it.

"Willow, the phone is for you. It's your father."

"She can take it up here," Buffy called, picking up the phone in her room and pressing a button that would connect Willow to Booth's call before handing the phone over and sidling out of the room, leaving Willow to talk to her dad in privacy.

Willow waited until she heard the click which told her Joyce had put down her receiver before speaking.


"Hey, Willow," Booth said. "How are you?"

"I'm good. I was glad to see that your plane ride was good, even if it was a little long. I'm sorry I haven't written a long reply to your email. It's just been really busy. We had lots of homework to do this last week and Giles decided that we needed to research something and decided that it needed to be done before Thanksgiving, which was annoying, but we got it done. But, yeah, it's been really busy. How has your work been? Not too hard to get back to?" Willow babbled.

"No, it's been fine; I got to see all my work friends. I just wanted to call to say hi and to tell you that I've got some people here who really want to talk to you."

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