Chapter 29 [M]

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"I really wish you can stay for long, dear", Mrs. Manoban muttered sadly before she gave me a tight hug.

"Yeah, we really hope you can stay for long but our princess is waiting for you", Mr. Manoban said with a chuckle. It makes me smile everytime Mr. Manoban address Lisa as their princess. Lisa is like a knight in shining armor for me yet she's also a princess in her family. That's kinda cute. I thought.

I pouted and also gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you so much Mrs- I mean Auntie and Mr. Manoban for welcoming me here. I appreciate it so much and I would like to visit you here next time. If you will allow me. Lisa is probably waiting for me there", I said.

"Of course dear! You're always welcome here. I might adopt you as my daughter, but that won't do coz you'll be our daughter-in-law in no time", Mrs. Manoban muttered and that made my face flushed.

I pursed my lips inwardly and stifled a smile.

"Please come visit again, we can go anywhere you like and I'll cook anything you like", Mrs. Manoban uttered while waving her hand. I already slipped inside the car after Mr. Manoban opened the car door for me. I waved back at both of them.

"Yes I will, auntie. I will come back", I said, being emotional a little. She reminds me of my mom, that's why this really moved me.

"Please drive safely Jun-hoe. We don't want our future daughter-in-law to be hurt in anyway", said Mr. Manoban which made me a little shy again and giddy at the same time. Giddy coz they're already anticipating me to be their daughter-in-law.

"Got it sir", Jun-hoe muttered.

"Take care Jennie", the old man said before Jun-hoe started to drive away.

I really wish I can stay but it would be better if Lisa is here. But since she's in Seoul right now, then I'd rather be there with her. We can always visit her parents here anyways. I wiped a tear that escaped from my eye and sniffled slightly.

I can see how Jun-hoe would glance at the rear-view mirror. He probably thinking I'm so emotional but I don't care. I'm just so moved to know Lisa's parents and the fact that they are supportive and kind, unlike my father who just wants to sell me for his company, that makes me happy and sad at the same time. I envy Lisa for having them as her parents. But I will never ever replace my mom for anything in this world. My dad is my only issue. Speaking of my dad, I never replied any of his message ever since I went here in Thailand. I was expecting for him to get worried but I guess that monster Hanbin had informed him that I'm okay.

My mind wondered back to Lisa. I wonder what she's doing in Seoul right now. What business does she need to do that she had to go back there in a flash. I typed a message to let her know that I'm flying back to Seoul now.

Hey Lisa, Are you okay? You didn't answer my message yesterday. I'm on my way now to the airport. See you soon.

I was actually gonna type 'I miss you' but I had to delete it coz she might think I'm clingy and that's out of my character. I mean, I have my clingy side as well but I'm not yet ready for her to know that.

I also typed a message for Rosie to let her know that I'm going back to Seoul today. I wonder how is she? And if she's doing fine with Hyeri. That bitch better not make my bestfriend cry or else I'm gonna rip her bones out.

Rosie Posieeee!! I'm going back to Seoul today! I miss you Chipmunk!!! I'm so excited to see you! Please tell me you're okay. xoxo

I hit send and rest my back on the seat. I hope Rosie Posie is okay. I pouted and leaned my head on the window.


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