Chapter 8

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I hate her! I hate her so much! I think she's the worst person I've ever met. I regret going to casino that day, now I'm stuck with her. That arrogant bitch! I wasn't able to control what I was thinking the moment I felt her lips on my skin. I felt like everything I've practiced before I stepped in her apartment has vanished. I lost all my senses with how she whispered in my ear which sent shivers to my spine and I swear to god! It took all of my energy to stop myself from moaning. She's like a virus, she literally affects everything in my whole system and in just a snap, I felt like she can control me, she can manipulate me. When she smirked at me, that's the time I was pulled back into reality, I pushed her away and I ran away from her, out of her apartment, coz I don't want her to see me in my vulnerable state.
I sniffled as a tear escaped from my eyes, I walked through the hallway as I supported myself with my hand leaning on the wall. My knees felt weak and I felt dizzy, seems like I'm hyperventilating.
I wiped my tears and continued walking towards the elevator. I hate her! But I hate myself for almost giving in on that very moment.

"You're so fucked up Jen", I murmured to myself. I looked at my reflection when the elevator closes, there's still a pink tinge evident on my cheeks and I groaned in annoyance, causing another tear to run down my face. I harshly wiped my tears away and pressed the button, heading to the ground floor.
I can't let her ruin me like this. If she wants to play, then I'll play. I'll make sure she'll regret making this whole deal, this shitty deal!
I stood up straight when the elevator dinged open and I stepped out. The receptionist whom I have met earlier and surprisingly, a fan of mine, waved at me. I gave her a warm smile and returned the card that she lent me earlier.
"Are you leaving now ma'am?", She asked and I just nodded.
She grinned widely and thanked me for visiting.

"I'll be going back here tomorrow", I told her. Excitement was visible in her expression and I headed out of the building after saying goodbye. Before I entered my car, I looked up, staring outside the building to the 23rd floor, where Lisa's flat is located. I bit my lip and tried to control my rage against her.
"You'll lose if you let your emotions conquer you", I reminded myself. I'll make sure this won't happen again.

I arrived at my apartment and only one thing is running through my mind - to plan for tomorrow.
I went to my walk-in closet and started to pick what should I wear tomorrow.
I'll be her servant/maid so it's better to wear comfortable clothes. Maybe skirt will do and a fitted shirt, or what if shorts and a loose shirt. I suddenly thought of a perfect plan for tomorrow. Basically, she's challenging me that I'll be seduced by her, that I'll fall for her charm. I scoffed and scowled when I remembered what happened earlier. I bit my lip and think for a bit. Yes, I think skirt is really the perfect outfit for tomorrow. Let's see who will give in first. A smug smile formed across my lips as I started preparing my outfit. After that, I started doing my before-going-to-bed-ritual to maintain my soft and clear skin. Not that I'm preparing for something that might happen tomorrow, that's the thing I'm avoiding, but I want to show her that she will never ever get me. The girl who is desirable as me, she will never get to touch me. I'll leave her wanting me and I will show her who's really the boss. She tried to dominate and control me but I won't let her do that again. Never.

I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I groaned and reached for my phone which apparently placed on my bedside table. My eyes slowly fluttered open and looked at the time, it's already 7am. What time did I sleep last night? Maybe around 2am? Actually, I couldn't sleep last night and so I drowned myself with alcohol. I can smell my own breath, reeks of alcohol. I'm actually disappointed at myself, I used to be a systematic person but I let one girl ruin my plans.

I went out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. There are beer cans scattered on the floor.

"I'll just let her clean this", I murmured. I took a glass and poured some water and chug it down.
She's supposed to be here at this hour. I furrowed my brows as I glance at my watch. I was suddenly reminded of last night, her scent, her heavy breathing, her smooth skin. No! No! No! I closed my eyes as I massaged my temple. She's making me insane. I decided to take a shower first, maybe it can clear my mind, hoping it could take away these weird thoughts.

I didn't use heater so that I could wake my body up. Maybe cold water could straighten my mind. I gasped when the water hit my body, causing me to jolt up a bit.
"Holy shit! It's so fucking cold!", My jaw quivers as I continuously endured the coldness of the water. I need to get her out of my mind. I'm gonna make her regret for even stepping a foot in my casino.

I wrapped my body with a towel as soon as I stepped out of the shower. I started getting dressed into comfy clothes coz I'm expecting her to be here anytime soon. I'm not excited, you know, I'm just getting ready if ever she planned to take a revenge on me. I know I pissed her off last night and I'm not sorry for that. I want to show her that I'm not a nice person and she should regret approaching and embarrassing me that night. I hate girls like her, girls who feel like they can get me in just a snap just because they say so.

I heard the doorbell rang and I went to open the door.
"You're late", I muttered in a cold tone but to my surprise, it was Jisoo. She raised her brows at me, probably confused.

"Were you waiting for me?", She asked as she furrowed her brows. I just shook my head and let her in.

"No, I was waiting for that Jennie girl", I said.
"Ooh that pretty girl? Wait, what are you gonna do to her?", She curiously asked.
I sat on the couch and started to dry my hair with a small towel hanging on my shoulder.

"I'll make her clean the house and wash the dishes, wash my clothes and cook for us", I grinned widely. But that doesn't mean I'll let her do those things in peace. I smirked, thinking of all the things I can do to piss her off even more.

"You're really a demon", Jisoo said while shaking her head.
"Am I?", I pretended that I was offended.
"Yes. Why are you so mad at her anyways? Look, she's a nice girl, she's a CEO and she's freaking hot! She wanted you that night even if she was drugged, it not your loss. She's a great catch. What's there to be embarrassed?", Jisoo knitted her brows while staring at me as she sat on the couch opposite mine.

"I just don't like her", I shrugged my shoulder and Jisoo snorted which made me discomfited. Sometimes I hate my best friend being frank at me. She always have something to say in everything I do.

I arched my brows and she chuckled a bit.
"You're a liar", she said.
"Excuse me?", Now I'm really offended.
"Lisa, you like her. But because you couldn't accept that fact that there's a high chance that someone could make you fall in love again, and that's why you choose to hate her", she muttered.

"That's nonsense Jisoo. She embarassed me. And I will make her regret what she did to me", I stood up and was about to go to my room when Jisoo spoke again.

"Not everyone is like Irene", I stopped on my track and looked back at her with a stoic expression on my face.

"I already moved on from her. So don't talk about her again."

She just went silent. I hate how her eyes show sympathy on me. I hate when people pity me when in fact, I am not someone who needs sympathy. Not everyone is like Irene, I know that. But everyone can do the same thing in different ways. If you let your emotions win and you let your guard down, people will take advantage of you, then they will have the right to hurt you. I promised myself, I will never let that happen again. Never.

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