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        I hummed along to the song playing on my IPod while I folded and put away my laundry. I didn't notice Mark entering my room till he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, causing me to scream in surprise and laugh. "Mark!" I wined, taking out my headphones. 
        "Sorry, I needed to get your attention some way or another." He said, kissing my forehead lightly. "I'm going grocery shopping and I'll be back in an hour." He got up and gave my hand a quick squeeze before he left. I listened for the sound of the front door closing, then tip toed over to my dresser. I grabbed my money left over from when I was left out here and pulled on my shoes. 
        It seems silly, but I was sneaking out to buy a book from a nearby book store. I really wanted to read something and none of the books Mark had seemed appealing enough at the moment. Besides, I didn't want him buying me a book when I had enough money to get one myself. I slipped out of the apartment, locking the door behind me, and walked to the bookstore.
-------------Mark's POV--------------------
        I placed the groceries on the counter in the kitchen, groaning slightly and rubbing the back of my neck. Stupid heavy bags. I sighed and started to put everything away. Cereal goes here, milk in the fridge, bread by the toaster. I finished putting everything else away and went upstairs, planning on filming a video or editing something.
        I stopped in front of Tabea's door, hesitating slightly before opening it. Tabea was spread across her bed on her stomach, her neck arched over a book I haven't seen before. I was about to make my presence known, but then I noticed her face. It showed so many emotions, quickly switching between them all. It was quite entertaining to watch her face go from a frown of worry to amusement, or to see her roll her eyes and laugh but just as quickly frown again.
        She was so engrossed with her book, I could tell she didn't even feel like she was lying on her bed right now, but was instead doing something else, whatever the character was doing. I felt like I could sit and watch her read for hours and not get bored. Instead of that however, I crawled next to her, lying on my stomach and resting my head on my hands. I laughed when she didn't notice, causing her to jump and look around, completely confused.
        Her green eyes met my brown ones and she smiled. "Oh, hi Mark." She whispered a little shyly.
        I chuckled, "Hi." She laughed nervously and glanced down at her book, slipping a bookmark into it.
        "What's up?" She asked, running her fingers over the side of the book.
        I grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers threw mine. "I just realized you know my hobbies, but I don't know any of yours...besides reading."
        She gave me a small half smile, clearing her throat. "That's because I don't really have any other hobbies. I guess I like to draw, but I suck at it." She scoffed herself slightly, then continued thoughtfully, "I kind of enjoyed messing around on game sites, but that's not really a hobby since I don't do it very often. Anything sports related is out." I laughed at that, sitting up.
        "Maybe you can edit books or something when you get older, since you like to read." I suggested. She just shrugged, running her fingers over our entwined hands. "I know you love to correct my grammar whenever I mess up." She laughed, making me laugh in response.
        "I have a while to decide." She pointed out, sighing and leaning her head against my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her waist, hugging her.
        We stayed that way for a couple minutes, then I pulled away and lightly kissed her. "I have to go make a video. See you at dinner?" When she nodded, I smiled and left her room. Sitting down at the chair in front of my computer, I knew that Tabea could be a great editor. Maybe I should have her edit one of my videos sometime.

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