Drunk Minecraft

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        I was sitting on the couch writing a paper for school, typing away on my laptop propped against my knees, my feet against the table. Quick footsteps going down the stairs caught my attention and I looked up. Mark was in the kitchen pulling out a whole bunch of different liquids, most of them clear. He gazed at all of them thoughtfully.
        I raised my eyebrows, setting my laptop on the table and walking over to him, stepping over the cord. I looked at the variety of drinks. There were many different alcoholic beverages, as well as sodas and juices. "Hey Mark what-" I was cut off by my own laughs. When I started talking mark jumped, obviously startled. He apparently didn't notice when I walked over here.
        "Tabea! When did you get there?" He asked, startled. 
        "Long story. I walked over here from the couch."
        "That story wasn't long." He pointed out.
        I rolled my eyes, "Anyway I was going to ask you what are you doing....and where did all these drinks even come from?! I swear they aren't in the fridge."
        "I keep my alcohol in a special place."
        "You don't trust me not to drink it?"
        "Honey you put on my glasses by mistake some mornings."
        "How does that have anything to do with drinking--oh." I stopped myself, getting what he was saying. "Wait did you just call me 'honey'?"
        He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh...no. I never answered your question. I'm getting ready to film drunk minecraft with Bob and Wade."
        My eyes narrowed slightly at him changing the subject, but I let it go. "What are you going to make?"
        "Something simple....maybe Dr.Pepper and Vodka."
        "Oh I'd like some of that too." I joked.
        "No no no, you don't get any." He teased back. I pretended to pout, making him laugh. "How about this: I'll make you something with soda, alright?"
        "Fine." I agreed, skipping back over to the couch, yelling over my shoulder, "And no ice, bartender." He laughed at my joke. That's when I remembered Mark use to be a bartender before YouTube and I giggled to myself.
        I began writing my paper again while Mark made our drinks in the kitchen. After a couple minutes, he came over with both of our drinks. I took a cautious sip of my drink, and was pleasantly surprised at the fruity taste. It left tingles in my mouth and made me crave more. "Oh my god you are actually good at bartending." I said between sips.
        He laughed and took a sip of his, coughing slightly. "Wow I put way to much vodka in this." I laughed at the face he was making. He shrugged and took another sip. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow, good luck on your paper." He kissed me softly on the lips before heading upstairs. I sighed and began working on the paper again, taking sips of my drink. I'll hound Mark to teach me how to make it tomorrow when he has a hangover, he'll be less likely to say no.
        I smiled to myself and let the clicking of my keyboard fill the room again.
        I sighed and sent the paper, turning off my laptop and stretching. I made my way up the stairs and began getting ready for bed, listening to the sounds of screaming and laughing coming from the office. I chuckled and was about to go to bed when the bedroom door opened behind me. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against a muscular chest while lips pressed against my neck.
        I allowed myself to melt against him for a moment, but pulled away and turned to face him. "Mark you're drunk." I pointed out.
        "Yeah but-" He began, but I pushed my finger against his lips to keep him from saying anything else.
        "I don't want to do anything you'll regret."
        He started laughing, confirming he was still drunk. "Something I'd regret? What did you have in mind?" He asked, placing his hands lower then my hips, making me blush.
        I pushed his hands away and he pouted. I couldn't help but giggle, "Mark if you can't control yourself I'll sleep in my own room tonight." I warned, taking a couple steps towards the door.
        "No...stay..." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back over to him. He hugged me, kissed my lips gently, than nuzzled my ear. I rolled my eyes but hugged him back.
        "Alright I'll stay, but control yourself."
        "Deal." He said, pulling me onto the bed with him. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and positioned us so we were on our sides and my back was against his chest. "I love you." He said in my ear.
        "Love you too." I replied, closing my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

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