{1} The Day Before

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Okay Here's a new chapter because someone was nice enough to comment, cheers to you. But I'm still not really sure what the deal with this story is, but so far I'm sort of liking it. So on it goes.  

Pic of Rayne on the side.



I look to my sixteenth birthday like I would look to the end of the world; Nothing follows it, and you spend your whole life imagining it.

The day before leaving, and I was sitting at the dining table, with no idea as to what I was going to do with myself. Did I just hear you think that I should go be with my friends? Well, that's not an option, because all my friends have gone. My birthday is at the end of the year, and none of them have returned from their separate worlds yet.

"What about something else?" Blythe's blue eyes hold the only expression a cat can give you; Superiority.

I turn to her- my cat- the only friend I've had for months. Sad, I know, but what would you do if all your friends left?

"If you have any idea's, Blythe, you could share them." I reply, wracking my brain for a trivial task like trying to get the calculator to tell me the answers to today's crossword or scrubbing the shower drain as it tells you which spots you missed.

"This is stupid. You can't spend your last day moping. We should go gather stuff for our adventure! I don't think earth treat cat's nicely like we do, what if they don't have any milk there?! What a tragedy! What will I drink? Oh no, Rayne, we have to go shopping right now or else."

I giggle a little at her, cats have the strangest sense of humor.

But she fixes me with her icy stare. "The funny thing is, you think that I'm kidding."

I sigh, "Alright, let's go, but we're going to take the bike."

'The bike', is a motorized two wheeled vehicle that Blythe is scared to death of, she always says it wouldn't take milk flavored ice-cream to get her in there.

Ha-ha, milk flavored ice cream; Cats are hilarious.

Blythe's eyes were now more a black colour than icy blue, she really hated that bike. And she knows that that fear is what I was using against her.

"A-Alrigh-t." Now, that's what I call a shaky response, "Let's go." She walked under the seat, brushing her tail under it's legs, this causes it to giggle, as if it was being tickled. The chair began to squirm away from Blythe's tail. Making it really hard to sit on it.

I grumble as I stood; furniture and its happy-go-lucky personality.

I grab my jacket on my way out, it's cold outside, and the birds aren't singing at all. Which is kind of sad, this is my last day, and I can't even hear the birds singing before I left.

Blythe stays in my backpack -with her paws over her eyes- for the whole ride.

Shopping is not really my favorite activity, but if this helps me prepare, or gets my mind of things, than why not indulge Blythe on her quest to get me to bring three litre bottle of milk with us.

The mood and conversation of this trip had been fairly light so far, and I would have liked to keep it that way. But when we finally sit to eat (a whole plate full of Chinese food, the stuff is my kryptonite) Blythe turns her stare at me, and addresses the topic weighing on our minds.

"So do we know what your symbol is?" She asks as she licks up some milk.

"Dad hinted at it being an element. But so far that's all he said." I feel my shoulder's sag at the thought of my father knowing what MY symbol is, and not even bothering to try and let me know.

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