{14} Look At All The Pretty Colours!

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The corridor we're walking down is long and bleak. Like something from a lame anime. There are no windows; and every five minutes we pass a door, I feel like there'd be two guys in kimonos sword fighting, or a weird alien fighting a guy with spikey blonde hair.

But this isn't a cheesy anime.

And the further we get down the corridor the more anxious I get for the end.

Rayne makes a grab for my hand as we continue walking, I blink and look at her; she's so confident and calm most of the time that it didn't cross my mind that she's only sixteen like me, that she can get scared just like I can.

 I squeeze her hand, and she gives me a small smile.

Something sharp pokes me in the back, and someone grumbles, "Get moving."

"Who spat in your bean-curd?" I mutter, continuing to walk forward, but half turning my head towards the idiot behind me. 

Rayne smiles but doesn't comment.

We walk for a little -alright a lot- more time before we FINALLY reach the end of this bloody hallway.

"Oh MY god, finally!" I almost break into a run.

"Be quiet!" The guy grunts from behind us, and I nearly poke my tongue out at him. 

Rowan and Blythe both send me a look, standing at my feet. 

I poke my tongue out at them too.

The doors seem to open out of their own accord; like something out of a bad comic book and trust me, I've read a fair few of those. But the room behind the doors? It's a massive square room, with steel walls and tiled floors, no colour or taste what so ever.

There's a group of maybe fifteen people, they're all wearing some sort of uniform; black trousers and loose shirt, but with a piece of pale coloured fabric wrapped around one arm. Each person has a different colour, and they each are all carrying weapons of some sort.

Rowan and Blythe both stay next to us, and the guys behind us march us straight forward, then drop to their knees. 

I roll my eyes at them while Rayne crosses her arms. 

In front of us, four people arguing out of the whole group of fifteen. One is a girl (I'd put her age at 12) with chin length choppy purple hair and yellow eyes, her voice is strong, and she is arguing the logic, calm and efficient. The colour she wears around her arm is purple like her hair.

The other three are guys, all completely different. One is massive, big muscles, long legs and arms, extremely tall with a gravely voice, he's just standing there looking that the others and sometimes injecting his opinion into the argument. The sash around his arm is the colour of dark chocolate.

The other two are twins; well- they look the same, exactly the same- same hair style, same glasses, same style clothes. But the every part of them that should have colour both have the opposite, one has blonde hair and the other has brown, one has silver eyes and a matching fabric wrapping around his left bicep, and the other has gold eyes and a matching fabric wrapping around his right bicep one wears white the other wears black- get the picture?- anyway, the twin/colour/guys were talking passionately about something, while the other two were listening. 

"If we proceed with this shipping route, we will loose the whole-"

"-Town. Then that whole fishing town, providing us with treated water and-"

"-Fish; they'll die out and then we won't get the nutrition." 

That was how those two twins were talking, and it was creeping me out. 

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