{15} One Step Too Far

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Hey guys, take an update!! I’m secretly aiming for 1000 reads on this, and the only way to get reads and comments is to update. So please comment if you have an opinion, and please point out any mistakes you see.

Pic on the side is Lt. Angelica 




“So what’s your name?” I just can’t take the silence anymore; I seem to spend most of the time dragging my feet with my shoulders slumped and my eyes on the floor, trying not to scream out of boredom.

The massive guy keeps walking, and his expression doesn’t change as his eyes meet mine.

He doesn’t say anything, just looks at me as if he’s trying to decide what to do with me.

I get impatient after a few seconds, “How ‘bout I call you Chuckles then?”

That got a reaction; he got the smallest hint of surprise in his eyes before he says, “Rachi,” without emotion, and then he just looks away.

Okay then, that’s a weird name. He said it like ‘Rar-key”. Way better than Chuckles if I’m allowed to state my opinion.

My mind suddenly goes back to the little pink girl was named Roo. What kind of establishment is this, if it lets kids into what seems to be the group of fifteen people that are actually running the place? And the guy in front of me, with the white hair, he looks about twelve. Why are they letting little kids help run their planet?

I hide a cough when the thought occurs to me that the Sieren people are no different. Trusting their babies who only just turned sixteen with venturing out to other planets to discover something that they don’t even know the meaning of while putting themselves into potentially dangerous and hazardous to their health situations. Siere is no different, trusting Rayne and I with a task this important; the Council –the idiots- trust us with the fate of their whole planet!

No wonder these two planets are cousins, they’re both bozos.

I’m suddenly plagued by my mind with questions and my curiosity to find out what the culture of this planet strengthens.

I struggle to stay silent, though. Now probably isn’t the best time to ask any of the decidedly large amount of questions whizzing around my head.

“What about you?” I ask the kid with the white hair and white sash.

He jumps and turns his head to me, “Iro,” then like Rachi he just faces ahead. Again with the weird names, he says it like ‘eye-row’. It’s like this place spawned right out of the middle of an anime.

I nod and go back to looking at the floor.

I don’t even notice when we get to the end of the corridor, but we eventually stop and wait for the guards to open the door.

We walk into a room, it’s square, the walls are white and the floor is black but made of wood. There’s a table and lots of chairs in the middle a fireplace behind that, and on top of the fireplace is a map of what I assume is the geography of Kiara.

There’s a guy standing near the fireplace, warming up his hands. He’s got the black uniform on, but he has a weird jacket/cloak thrown over the top that’s pale green and matching the sash around his arm. He has a jazz hat on that’s the same colour green as well. He has blonde locks, and his eyes are green, he has those classic cocky features of a-boy-next-door.

“Well lookie here... hmmm.” The guy turns and walks towards us, it’s when I notice that the only thing on his person that looks like a weapon is a black cane carved into the shape of a dragon at the end.

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