{4} Feed the Fire {PART 1}

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  • Dedicated to Izzy, who's married to everyone

Wow this chapter took me FOREVER to write. Just plain old writers block with it. *Shrug* So here is the new chapter. Finally getting down to business.

Pic of James/Hugo/Riley  . . . cause you know, they're triplets. (Btw, isn't he georgous?)



Two weeks pass, and the compass still holds firm in the belief that James is the key to finding my symbol. I have no idea how to even get him to say anything even remotely related to the subject. He'll think me crazy if I start talking about it to him, so I stay quiet.

Rory and Elena have sucked Blythe and I into their friend group. Which now includes James on some days; this is fine by me. I kind of have a crush on him.

He calls Rory 'Ry', and he uses her nickname for Elena, 'El'. Both of them react to him in different ways. Rory isn't flirty or anything, no she acts more like a younger sister, more likely to threaten physical violence than be flirty with him. Elena holds firm onto the belief that boys are a distraction and should be second to study. Blythe tends to agree with her for different reasons.

Anyway we are out to lunch now, sitting out in the courtyard close to the canteen. We are a large group of year ten's so the younger years leave the area alone when we're here.

We're just hanging out, (Rory is complaining about a Math’s test next period and how she needs to study. She doesn't really; she's smarter than me when it comes to Math) When two guys exit the library. They look like carbon copies of James, only one has gray eyes and the other has green eyes.

Hugo and Riley.

James's brothers.

We haven't seen them much, when James doesn't hang out with us, he hangs out with them. And they have a kind of bad boy reputation about starting fights.

"Hey Jimmy! Whatsup!?" Hugo yells and waves, coming over to us.

Rory still has her crush on Hugo, even though she hasn't even met him.

So she stares at him with a smile on her face when they come over. Riley sighs and crosses his arms like he's used to this happening. But when he sees Elena he cocks his head to the side and sashays over to where she sits with a sand-which in her mouth and a textbook on her lap. This textbook always seems to appear when we talk to guys, it gives her an out so she doesn't feel awkward.

I think Riley's the smart one of the brothers, so it would explain his instant noticing of Elena.

 James looks sheepish, "Nothing much, what's new with you?"

Hugo shrugs, "Just coming from the I.T. department. Some of their computers crashed and they asked for Riley's help." He explains like he doesn't really care, then he turns to Rory. "Who's this Jimmy? Been holding out on us?"

James laughs, "This is Rory, Elena, Blythe and Rayne. I told you about them didn't I? So I haven't been holding out on you at all."

"What are you reading?" Riley asks Elena quietly. She shrugs and shows him the cover.

Those two seem completely in their own universe.

Rory's googly eyes go back normal, "The I.T. department? Why would they need your help?" She asks, as if she couldn't possibly comprehend a world where the I.T. department had no clue what they were doing, "I knew those bastards lied to me." She mutters to herself as an afterthought.

"So", Hugo leans against the wall next to her, "We're throwing an End-Of-The-World party on Saturday. It's costumes and everything. You guys should come." He says, throwing a smile our way.

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