{20} Writing Our Future

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Last chapter here we come! Please comment, I'm really glad this one's finished, for real this time not just on hold.

For the last time, READ ON!



It's unsettling, how easy it is for my people to go back to the way things used to be. There was a massive civil war on their doorstep, and when it's all over they brush it off and go home. 

Well, I can't say anything to the contrary really, because that's where I'm going after this. 

"Are you sure you want to go back with them, Rowan? They only have one compass to use in case of emergency. If you go you're gone for good."

Rowan seems to be at peace, heaving a contented sigh, "For the last time, I want to stay with my cub."

"I am not your cub." Rory huffs, crossing her arms, "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

Rowan gives her the look, and Rory uncrosses her arms, "dang it." 

She turns to me, "I know we haven't known each other for long, Rayne. But I'm gonna miss you." She smiles, "we've been through a lot together." 

I match her grin, dropping Blythe from my arms and opening them to give her a hug, "you could stay you know." 

Rory hugs back, "HA you're funny!" When she pulls back, she leans back into Hugo. 

He kisses her on the forehead, "No, we're gonna go back home to earth and live our lives vicariously through video games and Doctor Who." 

I grin, "You have your antidote? In case something goes wrong?" 

Rory rolls her eyes, "We'll be fine, Rayne. If you're so worried, come down to visit." 

"I'd like that." 

"So now that that's settled, let's get moving." Rory takes out their compass, throws it on the ground and steps through the mirrored surface; she's gone with a wink and a wave.


The birds are singing again, it's nice to hear. 

The streets have already been cleaned up, it's not like we don't have plenty of things to help clean up, and we literally have animals that can transform into humans. 

Speaking of which, Blythe has been content just sitting in my arms as we stroll back home. She keeps purring, as if she's happy our adventure's finished, over and done with. 

"Blythe, do you think any of my old friends are back yet?"

"Maybe, we'll find out this week. After we rest for a few days on a beach somewhere, I'd like to be relaxed and not in a hurry to do anything for a while."

I snicker, "you know, there aren't that many jobs available for a fire-symbol, we'll have to work out way-"

"Nope Rayne, the Council-Lady offered you a job and you will take it. I've grown accustomed to a certain life-style and I do not plan on giving it up." 

I giggle, rounding the last corner and ending up on my street.

I feel a pang in my chest, remembering all the memories I had of my Dad and me on this street. I see myself learning how to ride a bike on the footpath and falling over continuously, us having to paint the fence because Mum wanted it white. Me drawing up some hopscotch and then teaching my Dad how to play.

So many memories, and he was just giving them up, throwing them away like pieces of old gum. 

I swallow; pushing back emotion for now, it won't bode well if Mum sees it when I walk in. 

I square my shoulders when I get to our faded-white fence, obviously Dad mowed the lawn before leaving last, because the grass was a healthy-looking green, I mumbled a good-afternoon to the grass when they said hello, but the shut up when Blythe walked past. 

I'm sure she was a pirate in a past life- or maybe before I met her. 

I reach up to knock on the door, and then freeze. Remembering that this is my home, and I did not have to knock if I didn't want to, I could just go in and out whenever I pleased. 

It's a good feeling.

So I turn the handle and push the door open. 

The house is incredibly clean, more so than when I left which is saying something. Mum's a stress-cleaner, so I guess that that's the reason. And she does have a lot to be stressed about. 

I rub my eyes, trying to erase all memory and get back that feeling of calm that I had in the street. Thinking of my Dad brought back that frustration that I felt back at Kiara, why should it have been up to me and my friends how the world was going to live? Why did we have to fight their battles for them?

Maybe that's what I should work towards; not only maintaining the peace between Siere and Kiara, but striving to come up with a better solution to how our government is run, because the establishment we have no brought us to civil-war. 

I turn into the living room, looking at the couches that I sat at with my Mum and Dad before I left on this crazy adventure, to see that there wasn't one person sitting there, but two. 

My brow scrunches up, Mum's sitting there as if this is perfectly natural for her, as if this happens all the time. Warmth spreads through me as I realize that I'm actually home and I'm seeing her again. 

I might be able to save the worlds, but I am still only sixteen and sometimes a girl just needs her Mum.

The other person is who I least expected to see, and I never expected to see him again. I'd thought he left with Tess and Hugo, but maybe he stayed behind like Indi and Max had. 

The person sitting next to Mum and eating cake like there's no tomorrow is James. 

I look between the two of them, "Mum?" 

                                                                            {THE END}

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